Damn that's good interlocking! Nice ****in' job dudes! This map looks really well balanced and well-thought out. Once again, props to thee. When I clear out my customs one of these days, I will definitely DL your maps.
lol, did you get this map name from Transformers? Just wondering. Doesn't look like a fantastic map gameplay wise. However I am going to DL and check it out when I can. I don't want to make any false assumptions.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Community Reviewer: I Carter I =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Map Review- Description: 5/5 Pictures: 5/5 Map Idea: 3.5/5 [no real *new* ideas] Map Quality {layout}: 4.5/5 [looks like it was made with gameplay definitely in mind] Map Quality {looks}: 4/5 [neatly made with interlocking] Comments: It looks very well made, and you can tell that a lot of effort has gone into the map. The only negatives would be that it looks quite boxy, and there aren't really any things to seperate it from other maps. Still, a very good, well made map. Overall: 4.5/5 [and I round up] =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ~I Carter I Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
i see where you are coming from based on that picture, but beleive me: its a bit decieving. The map really isnt that open. The two sides are the only parts without lots of cover. The fact that the sides were so open is why its for 1v1, not 2v2. I reccomend that you download it and try it out, but hen again it is up to you. thanks, Grid
Thanks again, Metal! You might be pleased to know that the newest map is being brewed up. You also might be pleased to know that the budget glitch has messed up on us twice. The first time, we had to start from scratch again. The second time (last night), I had to stay up til 5:00 this morning going into a game, changing the RunTime Max of an object to one higher than its previous state, saving quitting, then doing it again. So, for 24 Double Boxes, that's 24 games. That should give you an idea of how much we're putting into this next one. I got it fixed, though, and we're back to Forging. I'm excited, bro. Thanks a lot, bro! Glad you liked it. Nope. Actually, the guy who reviewed this map (comment below this one) has a group on Bnet. I joined and posted my content there, only to find that someone else had a Sector 7 as well. I was disappointed, haha. Also, the gameplay was our primary focus. Actually, that's always our focus. Check out the Review Hub's definition of aesthetically pleasing. It says that a good looking map will immerse the player in the gameplay, and make his experience that much better. That's why we make our's look neat. Everything is focused on the gameplay, because that's the reason we make maps, right? We make them to play on them, and have a new place to play such a great game. Thanks for another great review, Carter! I love you guys. Thanks a lot! Glad you like it. As Grid previously stated, that picture is deceiving you. I'm going to post a new picture right after I finish this post and clear up the thoughts of it being open. This is tight, 1v1 gameplay. Lots of corners and walls to get around. Thanks! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks to you as well, bro! Hope you enjoy it! Again, check the update I'm about to make directly after this post. What appears to be open isn't open at all, and I'm adding a picture to show that.
No, it's not MLG. It's made strictly for 1v1. A power weapon like Rockets, Shotgun, or Energy Sword would mean that the one player who got that item would dominate for the rest of the match. Power weapons are only good for team-based maps because you can coordinate to take out the guy who has the power weapon. 1v1 works very differently. I'll use Rockets for my example. Let's say that I have Rockets here with no spare clips and a 120 second respawn time. The beginning of the battle is going to be both players rushing for Rockets, right? So, both players rush in. beingTOOnosey throws a grenade which MADkill27 dodges and is able to begin shooting first to take down nosey. Nosey is dead and MADkill27 grabs the Rockets. Upon sighting nosey, he is able to get an easy kill. Again, nosey respawns and is blasted with Rockets. MADkill27 is up 3-0 and Overshield will be spawning soon. See where this is going? Power weapons can't work for 1v1. Sorry, bro.
lol. nice example. And btw we had a shotgun on it for a while, but we swapped it out with the carbine after noticing its effect on the gameplay. We also took out a sword that we thought would counter the shotty, but it didnt work out quite as we planned.
pretty intense looking, clean and i really likethe 1 corner wall with the doors goin up to it.. i enjoy most of your maos.. im sure ill enjoy this 1. good job.