actually i had alot of the ideas: first house with a waterfall that goes into a pool, entire backyard, doors for stairs (first use in a house), the garage is unique with the garage doors in the up position, the fountain in the front used to get to the roof, the corner wall for an overhang in the front, and the house is in a completly different part of foundry than most house maps. ans i was the first person to put custom power ups as outdoor loghts. All house maps will have similiar features like the roof and shape, the interior layout of this map is completly different than any other house maps.
sorry to tell you, but barts manor has been redone and added on to so many times, its a joke. This has the same layout on the inside and out, you just moved some features around, made the doors spiral up instead of float out like stairs, and you added lights. sorry, but copies of a great map dont appeal to me 3/5
Hey paulie i already downloaded and this map is as fun as it is awsome looking keep up the great work
This looks very nice. 10/10. The only thing I noticed was, you may have cluttered the outside with too much stuff, I think it would look better without the non-house related things. . This Map is screaming at me: "Move Me To The Aesthetic Map Section! OoOoooOooo!"
I love infection maps, and house maps are some of my favorite. Can't wait to give this a try. Seem really intricate.
you know you can turn this map into a techno rave party if you go into monitor form and go away from teh house eeh eeh *Wink* lol jk nice map, commented before, but i just watched the map thief video lol thats great
aha thanks yea we caught the kid who tried to steel this, and someone made a youtube video of just the house flashing lol.