
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by II MAKY II, Jun 21, 2008.


    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Title: Arcarsenal
    this map may look simalar to another but i made that one too so hah but you should check this one out anyways

    Download Map

    a perfectly symmetrical map. very clean and asthetically pleasing. this map looks small but i used every peice available in forge minus some movable objects and vehicles. every peice is interlocked with somthing else. designed for 2v2 or 1v1 games. FFA works as well, just keep it below 4 players. there is a large central room with a vally, surrounded by a walkway all around. this room is square in shape. on one wall you have ''A'' side wich is a lowered base where teams spawn, opposite that is ''B'' side base. connecting the two bases are two ramps that lead to a central tower. that tower has a drop down to a hallway that is behind the top tower and also connect one side of the map to the other. It runs the length of the entire map. opposite that side is a bridge that also connect one side to the other. behind the bridge is a set of double stairs. they each lead to a different base. outside of the basesthat are made up of fence walls there is pleasing asthetics. there are some forklifts moving and stacking boxes. atleast there is somthing to look at so you dont have to stare at empty rooms. also there is no way you can get out of this map. i have spent hours trying to get out and it is impossible.


    4 BR's
    1 carbine
    1 sniper
    1 mauler
    2 assault rifles
    4 grenades
    4 plasma grenades
    1 bubbleshield

    all weapon spawns have a great balance. i spent hours play testing this map.


    2v2 slayer
    2v2 CTF
    2v2 and FFA odball

    i would really recomend playing 2v2 to get the most out of this map

    I would really like to thank forgehub for giving us a chance to share our content with the people who truly deserve to see it. also i know my description is short but i am new to this so cut me some slack. give me honest feedback and i promise my maps and especially my posts will improve. i just need practice with the posts. this one alone took 3 hours. thank you for the feedback and enjoy the pics
    this is ''A'' side. the ramp and set of stairs lead down to ''A'' side base, which mirror the ''B'' side base
    this is a picture from ''A'' side looking towards the entrance to the back hall. On the left, past the fence boxes is the back hall. It wraps around and connects to ''B'' side. this hall has 4 entrances, you will see them in the pics below.


    this is ''B'' side it is the exact same as a side it is just a mirror image of the other base
    this is ''B'' side looking to the back hall entrance and top base ramp. exact same as the other picture of a side

    this is ''B'' base. both bases are the same just mirrored. the spartan would be looking toward the top base ramp.
    shooting from ''A'' side top ramp into the ''A'' side base ramp
    these sets of stairs connect the two bases and the bridge connects the two sides. this is opposite the top base. a bubble shield spawns in the open box that supports the bridge.

    this escape hole in the top base leads to the back hallway which is in the picture below
    back hallway jumping down from top base. where the carbine spawns in front of the dumpster. there is also another visable dropdown right below which leads back to the center of the map through the bottom hall. you will exit into the middle of the trench. shown in the picture below.
    bottom hallway, leads to back hallway. a mauler spawn down here and a sniper spawns on the ledge with the arrow
    this is the sniper spawn

    ''A'' side base. notice the BR spawn same as the other base

    this set of double stairs connect the red and blue base. notice where the plasmas and the assault rifle spawn, same as the other side
    #1 II MAKY II, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2008
  2. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    Edited on TC's request.
    #2 JJ3672, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
  3. Sn1pInGmOfO

    Sn1pInGmOfO Ancient
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    i agree with jj3672. (no offense) i might d/l to check out for a bit.
  4. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    same as the above two posts. ill check it out
  5. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    sweet. it looks like there a great complexity to this map its very well made as far as i can see too
  6. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Yo, nice map, dont listen to these people
    if they knew what forging really was they'de appreciate your map and now the story behind it. keep the maps coming
    Mastar likes this.

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    what do you mean my pictures do not have captions. i thought pictures would do more justice than my words would and i am not very good at the typing pages of text thing so just check out my map. the pictures give you every thing you need and i am not going to tell you how to play halo on my map.
  8. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    well this is a really good map nicely interlocked and nice job with the teleporters 5/5 well done especially for a first post this map is great

    II MAKY II Ancient
    Senior Member

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    finally some words of incouragment. i knew not all forge hub members would be jerks
  10. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
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    Pics don't really show much, but it looks very interesting so I'll dl. I'll rate after I play.
  11. MrCool501301

    MrCool501301 Ancient
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    Looks good, clean interlocking
  12. JJ3672

    JJ3672 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure I know what forging is, or else why would I be here? Amd I never said that I didn't appreciate the map, I just said that it's a shame when people spend 10+ hrs making perfectly interlocked maps like these and then present them poorly (which has now been fixed to some degree). And what story?

    Actually adding captions helped me understand the map ten times better. How was I supposed to know that the arrow in one pic led to a drop into the pic below it? How was I supposed to know where the bases were?

    As for the map itself, the aesthetics are a near perfect 10, not sure about the gameplay. It does seem a bit cramped in places, especially in the bases, but I can't judge since I haven't played it yet.

    8.5/10 for the map.
  13. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    Nice map it looks WICKED
  14. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    It looks great, but when you say
    which one is it? I can see the Over shield being a little over powering.
  15. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Looks like a pretty well made map. The design is ok, nothing I haven't seen before, but an overall 7/10
  16. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Wow, I'm very impressed. This is incredible, bro.

    I think what those critics were looking for is just more. The law has never been proved wrong, "You can never give too much description." Always, I would lean towards as much info and facts as possible. I put the very most insignificant details into my posts, not because it helps the map, but because people will respect attention to detail.

    See what I'm saying? Personally, I don't think a post requires all that jazz, but I can see how others would really like it. This is a beautiful map. Seriously, the only thing I would suggest adding is a Weapons/Equip list. Everyone can have some use for that. Also, overview pictures do help. If your map is high in Foundry or has a ceiling, it's sometimes difficult to get those. I've been there, trust me, but the best way to understand a map is to get the basic shape of it in your head and then fill in the details with pictures.

    In summary, don't sweat anyone who judges your map. You'll find that everyone on ForgeHub is as helpful as they can possibly be. I hope you love it here. I've certainly enjoyed my time. Great map, great post, and a 5/5 for you, my friend.
  17. Firetag

    Firetag Ancient
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    This map is REALLY good for a newer member! Good job! I'll test it out a bit later (have to delete something on my hardrive). But, I'll get back to you with a more proper review.
  18. II MAKY II

    II MAKY II Ancient
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    wow thank you to everyone who gave me proper input. i am still learning to post but i am going to go get an overview right now so you can get a better picture. also denteddrum thank you for the 5/5 it means a lot from someone so respected
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    i'm not respected?
    lol just a joke

    About the map, this map is one of the best i have seen come out in the past few days
    it uses others special touches combined with your own. the gameplay on this seems pretty good also, it would be really cool for KoTH or a game like that
    Please keep coming out with new maps and dont be afraid to ask for my comments
    have fun :)
    #19 Y35 <3, Jun 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2008
    CPV18 likes this.
  20. scott falcon

    scott falcon Ancient
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    this is one of the very best maps i have seen created in forge. must download for all players. everything is so smooth and even. very nice pics. 10/10

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