A back and forth discussion that I constantly have with myself; Are people honestly good beings at heart and only do things they don't agree with because of what other people say, or do we only do things to further ourselves ahead of others and achieve some out of reach goal that you tell yourselves that you want. I ask because I'm unsure of what I actually feel, and I'm tired of bickering over and over with myself the same points, topics and ideas and getting no where. I give people the benefit of the doubt, and assume that they are good, and until they prove me wrong they are to stay such as that. I continually argue this very idea, though, for people are always finding new ways to question my thoughts or opinions in such ways that are offensive and leave me unable to answer, as there are parts of my own mind that I'm unwilling to enter at the risk of finding that I'm a hypocrite to everything I now believe I stand for. I don't want to tolerate this. So, Forgehub: Do you believe people are instinctively cynical or there's some good in us yet?
I'm not asking whether we're 'good or bad', I'm asking whether you think people as a whole only pursuit their own desires or are ever willing to stop what they are doing to help another. Reread are posts, then try again. Oh, and take off your signature.
Oh. Well on that, I think it really varies from person to person. Some would step on someone when they're down if it means to benefit. Others would help with no doubt, just for the good of nature. And then there are those who stand by, confused on which to do. Everyone says these are the worst kind, which could be true. And what's wrong with my signature?
Sorry about that. I don't know how I missed that. But a lot of people still have their sigs on so I guess I didn't notice
I actually think both Dom. I think that some people are inherently good and others are inherently evil. It all depends on the way people behave though... I have seen people I knew to be good of heart do things very hurtful to someone. Alternately, I have seen people who were just nasty to be around extend friendship and compassion to a complete stranger. And this is just in my school. I think that it is the way we choose to behave, here and now, that determines the level of goodness someone has. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and that everyone can make the decision to be good if the really want to.
I might not totally be on this topic, but from what I understand, I believe people do things all in the end for their own good. I think that people help others, only in the end for themselves. People at my school seem like really nice people. Straight A students, but when I get to know them more, they actually are pretty nasty. Like I thought somone was totally awesome, ended out that shes does drugs. Edit: Sorry for sig, can't edit out >,<
I completely agree with second chances, third chances, or however many times it takes to convince someone to do good. I also agree with your point that people can be surprising, that who you would assume to be a "bad person" could show compassion to someone they've never met, and that one who in your book is a "good person" could purposefully hurt someone for their own benefit. What I don't agree with are inherited traits, as I'm sure you've guess - I know from experience that even though your upbringing can persuade you, it's ultimately your choice to be the person that you are on the inside, and you cannot blame what your parents, friends, or enemies for your own faults. You're completely on task, you're agreeing with my opinion that people do things only to help themselves. I'm sorry to hear of your friend, though, people are just not what they seem. To edit out your sig, uncheck the box that says "Show your signature" when posting.
in the end we all our out for ourselves even the kindest person seeks gain in what they do childhood role models all have a dark side unfortunately. for example when i think of making something the first thing that comes to mind is money and fame people being pleased with the actual product usually is the 2nd or 3rd thought. so i guess i agree with you everyone's out for themselves and nothing changes that.
I think this is entirely true. It's in our nature to help ourselves before others, although, some have learned to reverse that nature
I am a cynical person, and every person I see in the world, I automatically hate them. I've found in my experiences that most people suck. So i just assume they suck until they prove me wrong. Even some of my friends, over time i have come to realize they suck too. **** everyone.