i was really excited when i downloaded this. I wasn't a fan of fraction - but this map looked great. So i had some friends playing a custom game and I was like hey I wanna play this one, so we did, and wow does it look great. Only one problem, it plays horribly. My friends said the same thing, looks great plays bad. just like Exacted, but I could play swat there. But as far as looking - wow. Tons of interlocking, tons of merging, must of taken ages. But ya, sorry, it just doesn't play right.
Well, it seems there have been mixed opinions, although the negative opinions seem a lot more informed =[ well it's really up to what you think of it, i shall not respond to this thread anymore, because i see no need for it.
KT doesn't have a specific theme, however, the buildings look similar and have a certain consistency.
Post count, duh. lol. It seems that everyone is finding problems with the map Iv0ry. I thought it played alright, not the best for playability but it wasnt awful to play on. The thing that really stands out for Deviation is its flawless/perfect merging and interlocking.
This map looks great, there's alotta innovative aspects to it that I can see. I like the crossed stairs idea, clever. This also looks like it can support some decent gameplay. Nice job dude.
I need to do a forge through to see how it might play, very aesthetic, and I need to know how it will play.
Looks very neat and well thought out. I hope this gets a feature. Love the designs of some of the structures.
while im not usually a fan of the style of this map, i have to say that the unique structures do really draw me in. i think you did a fantastic job making this map stand out. my favorite part is "the halls". pure awesomeness.
this map is different. What can i say... it's really well made and very aesthetic. Must have a completely different feel to it. Well done 5/5
i like the aesthetics but its funny that for every peice of scenery you put a the in front of it lol XD 4/5
May I ask how this has anyting to do with Tumbleweed Tx? Really i see nothing in common what-so ever? .. :S
the small set of "stairs" in the defenders half, which are just curved geo-merged boxes were taken from an idea in tumbleweed.