Well since around the discvery of telescopes humans have wnated to explore space.It was never possible until July 20, 1969 when neil armstrong step foot on the moon.Since then all the major countries have wanted to see what space was all about. I would want to explore space then maybe colonize a planet.But the cost of this mission would be huge.The only thing I think this would become possible if all countries said screw money and worked on this together wihtout paying.This could save the human race.... So do you agree or disagree.
Space travel was actually first possible on April 12th 1961 when Russia did it, making Yuri Gagarin the first person in space. Anyways, no we must continue space exploration. If we left it all to china they would become more powerful then us. Plus, if Earth became inhabitable china would be the only place to get off Earth. There are so many other reasons, but I don’t have the time to type them all. (Does Wikipedia count as a source lol)
Sorry but could you debate and not post facts. Over population ,global warming,neuclear bombs.Alot of stuff.
Sorry, I just wanted to post the correction as soon as I could. I sent out the post then continued to write my debate as you can see now. (I love to edit lol)
I'll just pretend I didn't see that. Right now, most of the powerful nations in the world are collaborating in space-see the International Space Station. The "space race" was tied in with the cold war, but space travel is bigger then just one country or another. Its more the human race, or other possible intelligent life forms. Really, I have NO idea where you got that we should just leave it to China.
I would hope so, but if we stopped to advance are space technology, what kind of teaming up would there be? China would be doing all the work. That baffled me a little bit too.
It was kind of a form of speech seeing how the U.S and china have raced to space before. We already have alot of space technology so we should just go out there and screw everyone else.Besides europe and aussies.
Form of speech? Could you give an example or time period of when U.S. and China have had a space race? The only one that comes to mind is between the soviets and the U.S., not China.
...and that will lead to a space race how? Again, right now, the powerful nations of the world are working TOGETHER in space that's why its called the International Space Station-not the U.S. or Russia or Great Britain.
True but we all know that everyone is greedy and whoever does do something highly scientific they will most likely keep it to themsleves.
Yes, but if they are collaborating together, all of them will know of it. What do you even mean by, "highly scientific?" Do you mean a powerful weapon of sorts, that would be discovered in space? You posts are vague.
What I mean is something that they invent or discover helping space travel or something about space.And hopefully they will tell the U.S. and other countires what it is.
The problem is there is no planet in the solar system that we know of that is inhabitable. And if we continue to explore farther, it will only get colder. Therefore, the newly discovered planets would only be more uninhabitable. I think we should work on a device that could steer meteors out of Earth's harm or protect ourselves from Gamma Rays. IDK. Too many possibilities.
But isn't there other suns in other solar systems.Or can't we make a bubble around mars or something and colonize it.
How the hell do you suggest we put a bubble around Mars for christs sake? srsly. Anyway, I definitely think we should go for it. Just think how cool itd be to live on the moon! Epic winsauce.
O yea of course, cause we always just have giant planet sized bubbles of oxygen floating around to be used.