Me and my friend finally solved the mystery of the easter eggs on the towers on the map sandtrap. Whenever you are in the minefield on Sandtrap, the mines will try to kill you. However, if the mines are unable to kill you for some reason, the easter eggs will shoot small orange sentinel beams at you. The beams are very faint and it is assumed that they do no damage. There is a video proving that easter eggs shoot beams at you on Youtube. Click on this link to see the video on Youtube.
Look on the bottom left of his post, there should be an old fashioned scale. Click on that and select the options and type what you want to say to him in your rep. I +reped you, that's an excellent find.
The 'easter eggs' are corrupt files in the .map file. The lettering you see are the bitmap file for the letters on the main menu. The model itself is a sphere by default.
Yeah I've heard that the egg controls the mines or whatever but now I can go to sleep tonight knowing about the dirty egg on sandtrap shooting orange beams at me =).Beautiful find and I wan you now find about the one on Halo.
Hmmm, i wasn't aware of any hidden sentinel beam on Halo. The only sentinel beams i know of are the ones coming from the sentinels. But ill search a little bit...
I just figured it was the frame for the map. Those who have used Halo: Custom Edition to make maps will know what I mean. Interesting find, though.
they don't kill you, if you notice, they're actually the ones activating the mines from time to time, I guess bungie just scrapped the idea of the sentinel beam but left the thing there in place for it. Here's a direct link to a more in depth thread about it.
Hmm that is very interesting, there are many possible causes for the lasers, I'm not sure that it is the easter egg doing it. There is a good picture of the beam through the link that Slashe gave, the beam comes from one of the top points on the tower.
And you can see the beam more clearly if you hover a large item such as a tank above the minefield to set of the mines and lasers. If you use the tank as a backround for the laser, then you can see the colors more vividly and it will actually look like a sentinel beam. try it.
The towers, I would muse. In any case, those 'eggs' appeared in practically every map I've modded from Halo 2, so I'd expect that it would be the same in Halo 3.
question; do they support modding in any way? (rofl i thought that was really stupid how they kept repeating that)
I hate to say I think he's right. And I think they support modding. MODDERS! btw, how did you get the tank like that?? Pretty sweet though, nice job spotting that beam.
lol im not a modder, im a glitcher. I dnt even know how to mod. To make the tank turretless like I did, all you have to do is have 2 people including you in your party. Have the other person prepare to make a tank by going to the vehicle menu in Forge. Now, you, the party leader, start a new round. When the screen goes dark, have the other person tap 'A' twice. You should now have a turretless tank. This will work on any vehicle. However, some vehicles won't be changed a lot.