Well I'm bored, and I never finish maps I start so i want to see which famous Gears of War remake do you want to see. Personally I want to do Canals, but I want to see what you guys want. Canals ClockTower Escelation Fuel Depot Gridlock Mansion Mausoleum Rooftops Tyro Station War Machine. The reason I posted links not pictures, is to save bandwidth and page space, so it's easier to scroll down if you have a slow computer Also, if you would like to help. Please send me a message on here, or post here
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hmmm good idea. i'm surprised no one else has thought of it. i'd like to see definitely canals, gridlock, and maybe mansion or rooftops. it'd be sick as hell
k, well since you're being honest, i guess i can now too: A remake of GoW is a great idea, because it's not a ****ing halo remake (halo remakes ftl) or a cod4 remake, would love to see it. Better make it good too.
You are banned now...so I'm not sure you will see this...but I was actually trying to say cod4 remakes = fail halo3 remakes = fail gow remakes = not so fail, as i don't think i've ever seen one...
I'm pretty sure I saw a Tyro remake once, had the working train and all, but it's prolly buried now so I'm not going to go look for it. Anyway, war machine sounds pretty good. Just have sandbags=barriers, stairs=stairs, and pillars=boxes. The only problem is find a halo equivalent for the torque bow. Needler, maybe, but that doesn't sound like enough of a power weapon for that spot.
A working train, I gotta find this. But there are currently 5 maps with 2 votes, so I can't flip a coin or anything.
There are actually a whole bunch of maps with working trains nowadays, in fact it's a bit overdone so you might get criticized for that if you do tyro. I might try making war machine myself if I have the time, not looking forward to all the merging though...
Ok I'm gonna keep this open for a couple more days, currently it's War Machine and Mansion in the lead