DESCRIPTION: Shotgun rally is similar to rocket race. You have a team of 2. One is a VIP. You drive the VIP to the go-to-point to score a point. For weapons, you have a shotgun. Unlike rocket race, you are able to shoot and kill enemys. The Shotgun rally arena is, in simple terms. a bowl. This game is made for 8 players: 4 teams of 2. Spawn box's not shown in Screen Shots so i could get a better shot. (4 boxes floating above bowl with 2 mongooses each and spawn points set for each team) Idea: Shotgun rally is an idea for a game type a few of my friends and i developed. We decided it would be cool to have a giant bowl to zoom around in on a mongoose. I constructed this when I was still new to halo forging and I didnt know many of the tips and tricks. This early version can be found in my file share titled simply "bowl" Later, we decided that a floating banked track would be a good idea. I made 2 of these. Once made out of double boxes and the other out of walls (Both are also found in my file share). After testing the latest double box version, we found that cheating was very easy to do and resorted to our first method of the bowl. Knowing more, I made a better and bigger version of our first attempt. DOWNLAOD: Map: http:// Gametype:
HOLY FREAKING MONKIES it's a giant bowl! Give guys rockets and bruteshots on mongooses and it'll be really fun!
a couple things.. why did you make it so easy to break out? you know.. people will never play by the rules. they will just walk around killing and last, good forging. i like the idea
Looks like a pile of fun, love the concept, but 1-fence walls could be locked for smoothness 2-how does the gametype work?
yes i dont know if you stole this and changed it up or what but it looks like another map and what do you mean theres no interlocking CANADA? do you think forge items are circular? lol theres much interlocking you just have to open your eyes and look
Holy ****! This is like the best first post map ever!!!! It looks great, but I can't tell if it would play good. It seems like it would. 5/5 Edit: You need to shift focus from your description about the gametype to the map. Your title is the name of your game variant, but should be the name of the map, unless of course you want it to be.
RE Too bad so many people look down on a lack of interlocking. Personally I'm fine with no interlocking, but I prefer it.
You dont score points when you kill, so it would defeat the purpose. The point of the game is to bring your VIP to the different points around the bowl. Actually, you just explained a previous idea I had. Im going to build basically another bowl ontop of it so its similar (the shape of the inside) to a double convex lens or mirror. For those who dont remember grade 8 science it looks like this () No, but know that you mention it, it does seem rather like a fusion frenzy game.
Ah! Please do not TRIPLE POST! It is against the rules on forgehub and is considered spam. Next time use the multi-quote feature and/or edit your last post instead of posting 3 times in a row. Thanks, Moose
please Y35 and Cougar,if you look at the last line in CANADAs ARMY EH's post you will notice a jk at the start. anyway good map,looks fun for just messin around on
I have seen this same bowl in at least 3 maps... The gametype makes very little sense... It could use less of the honour system and more interlocking on fence walls Jk... nice bowl On the other hand, I love the original concept of rocket race with other weapons. 3.5/5