You should probably put this in Forge Discussion. Anyways, I do the door method. It's probably the best, provided that you guide it with other doors.
Well, Practise makes pefect. Of course getting tips help but for me, "trial & error" and "practise makes pefect" applies to a lot of things I've done in my life.
It depends. If you want it to go very far down, use the original method, found HERE, in this helpful guide. Original way, FTW.
This is not a site related thread. Customer Service is for site issues and problems, not Forge. Mod please move this?
I used to use the door method, but it is so unreliable, so now i use original method and it seems to work much better.
you can literally geomerge with any immovable object (though its not as effective or as consistent) ... my usual items are fence walls to hold, and to get precise heights/depths.
I use to fail at geomerging, until Ivory finally told me to use teleporters as guides, I only use the door method unless I need to merge deep.
The "old" method is far better than the door method imo. There are exceptions, but generally the old method is more precise and predictable. Switching a few spawn at start options is much easier than dealing with crooked merges, having to repeatedly lower the doors to get the right height and accidentally letting the object slip out of the map. Spawn points? Hill markers? hehe
I generally just use the door technique and I use teleporters as support for my objects. It seems to work well.
THat's quit easy, spawn a sheild door and hold it at the angle and position you want. Once you have it where you want it, save and quit. When you come back, it should be right where you left it.
i might just use the old technique for when im pushing stuff far into the wall or ground. but when i was to push it in like once or twice ill use the door technique