Yea you're right, abortion is killing a living thing. **** happens. Mercy kill, i guess. Condoms ruin all the fun in sex anyways! =p
well...following fun.... Anyway, and I'm surprised no one has brought this up. The big question of abortion inst whether murder is right, no one says it is. But rather is abortion murder.When does a fetus become "alive" The most logical way to answer that question is to look at the opposite side of it, when is a person dead. A person is declared medically dead when all brain activity ceases. So then using basic logic, if a person is dead when they don't think (assuming there si no third condition...which there inst) then they are alive then they do have brain activity. Well brain waves can be detected in a fetus as early as 1 and a half months, so logically a fetus is "alive" at that time. Eat it I just made a non-religios, logical, and incredibally strong argument on abortion, how often do you see that?
Well think about it this way will the person with no brain activity ever live or breath again no they won't will the fetus ever live or breath yes they have an entire lifetime ahead of them. And no this is not religiously based I don't believe in any religions and I still think abortion is wrong so you cannot say everyone who is anti-abortion is basing their answers off religion I don't go by religion I go by morals and what I feel is right and wrong.
Think about it this way: Hypothetically, suppose you are 14 or 15 years old, and you get a girl pregnant. suppose neither you, her, your family or her family have the means to support the child and raise it in a healthy enviroment. would you still keep the child out of principle? or would you put it up for adoption instead? personally i just cant see giving away my own seed to some stranger.
Abortion is for young people who can't afford to take care of the baby or are unfit to take care of a baby. I think it is better to kill the baby than let it have a shitty life. Unless someone is willing to take the baby. It's called something special, but I can't recall what it's called. And I just hate how those billboards try to guilt people that had an abortion. Jerks. Example: "Choose life, your mother did." Meh. Pro-Abortion
In all reality I am just pro-deadbabies in general. I hate children, and babies look like creepy little midget aliens.
Well if everyone hated babies, life forms won’t be around for long. Well anyways, what about adoption, why does it have to be abortion?
Babies are alive the moment it becomes a fetus thingy. It's absolutely murder. people say it's not but murder is killing another human being, it IS a human just hasn't developed yet. and some of the methods doctor's use are sickening. its horrific. And though it may seem im leading you in the direction of anti-Abortion, im not. im pro-choice. being a girl probably all of you wouldn't understand, but when things like that happen, you get really scared, and really confused. and it is sad, because they have a heart beat. but i believe it's a woman's choice. of course i'd prefer they just use condom like a normal person or even be responsible enough to take birth control. but these things you can always control with other people. So im pro choice, cause i got pregnant any time soon, i wouldn't want to be a hypocrite saying im against abortion, when its probably the only thing on my mind, cause i could not be able or even afford to care for a child. i'd feel like i had no choice really. plus the whole birth process, thats just me being selfish and not wanting to go through pain heh. so thats my two cents. :]
Titmar, for once I agree with you. Babies are ugly, and they drool, and throw up, and ****, and...well it goes on...
first i would like to say sorry if my sig. is still on. i couldn't find the additional options key. now to debate. Abortion has been a hot topic in the world today so i see why we have it here on forge hub. Abortion is when you kill a fetus. Why? Well mothers somtimes don't want the child. I am only for abortion on a tight reasons. those reasons are as follows: ONE, What if the child happened because of a rape? this would mean that the mother would have to care and raise a child she didn't ask for from god. This would mean that the mother would have to pay for food, care, childsupport, and others for her child she didn't ask for. so you see, they should have abortion if it was do to rape. TWO, what if the mother couldn't care for the child because she was really poor, a drug addict, or a teen? This would lead to the same consicouses as the rape, only it could be worse because the mother is a teen, without the proper skills to raise a child and has no father because the father is to young to marry and might not want to date the mother because she has a child. Finally it is proven that it is extreamly hard in labor for teens. Also if the mother was a drug addict... the child will probubly die anyway... Finally, THREE. What if the mothers life was at stake to have the baby? I mean what if giving birth kills her? Risk her life for a baby that may die to if she dies? i don't think so. I do dislike abortion, but if this happens then what would the mother do? No one deserves to die, but no one deserves to suffer. I'm a cathlic, and we belive abortion is wrong, but i think it is only right do to these surcomstances. There should be a law that states you can only abort do to these reasons. I hope you relize i don't love killing babys, i just don't like having mothers suffer because of them. soo don't get the wrong idea of me. as you can see, abortion is wrong, but should be allowed do to the right surcomstances
I say no, I don't see why you wouldn't put the baby up for adoption, even if it is a teen, they should of been more careful, I know a girl thats pregnant, and she's getting through it, so why shouldn't anybody else have to? In my opinion, having an abortion is being a coward because if that person screwed up, then that PERSON should pay the consequences, not their child. Just because a baby is raised poorly doesn't mean that it's going to have a shitty life. Thats just another stupid excuse for an abortion By the way, you don't come out of your mother looking like your a fully grown adult and somebody had to wipe your **** covered ass when you were young. Babies might be ugly but what if your mom and dad thought that way? I hope nobody is taking this personal
i say pro-choice BUT to a certain extent. I think a women has the right to choose if she wants to have a baby but only until a certain number of months (until the child develops heart beat) because then the baby is actually living (after all you cannot kill something that isn't alive in the first place). Now some people will make the argument that they took away the chance for life and yes the women did but so did the person who murdered another human being. What i mean by that is if someone lets say person A kills person B then person B can never have a child so person A took away the chance for person B to have a child. Besides i think George Carlin has a good view on this
Only to the third tri-mester should it be allowed, because it isn't until then that the baby starts to take mental and physical shape more fully. I believe that abortion is right in most cases simply because it's up to the parents to decide whether or not that the kid is going to have a good life in the situation that the parents are in at that time. Sometimes though, parents are being selfish, these are the times that I disagree with, but who am I to call those people selfish, when in their situation, I might just do the same thing. Lastly, the current population of our world, not just the U.S. or China, is growing vastly, daily. There is no need to allow more unnecessary reproduction of people who are just going to sit on the curb, asking for change...
No, I do not support the killing of a human being that is perfectly capable of living a life unless the mother will die. You got pregnant? Tough luck, its called adoption. You got raped? I'm sorry but the answer is not murder. You got raped and could die? Ok, now thats the one legit reason.
abortion, id say no, its pretty bad but what would u do if u were 15-17 years of age and ur gal got pregnant. id want her to abort......
The only reason i would actually agree with abortion is if the female was raped (come on, think of the pain she would have at looking at the baby and the amount of abuse it would get if it was actually born), if the parents don't have enough money to take care of it (if the baby if born and the parents don't have money for food, diapers, etc, that is another major problem), or if it is a female under 16 for obvious reasons. Other than those three reasons, abortions shouldn't be legal.
I believe abortion is perfectly fine. It must be a horrible feeling to have a child and give it away. But an abortion isnt killing a child. Its a fetus, and it's not even developed. Just threw in my 2 cents, De5troy999