Description: Meltdown is a small infection map suited for 5-12 players (Anything above 12 is usable, however, it would feel a bit crowded and unbalanced) The zombies respawn on the roof. There are 2 ways to access the humans. 1)Through ventilation grate 2) Through disposal shoot (See screenshots) Development: I started to develop a map with a negative-imprint sort of design. I then had the idea of it being some sort of drain-off or disposal area. Trying to think of a good game that could be played on it, i decided on infection. I began to build around it. Idea: The meltdown map is made to feel like a small nuclear-biproduct "incindiery disposal" workplace in tghe basement of a nuclear power plant. While researching, scientists in the upper lab discovered a nuclear gene which altered the human cell into a living-dead cell. The workers of the plant contracted this gene through the air. The workers in the displosal area, being around nuclear waste so often, were immune to the air borne gene, however still able to contract it through physical contact. Weapons on map: - Shotgun (starting weapon> limited ammo) - 8 Napolm grenades (repawn set to 180) - 1 flamethrower - 4 sentinal beams Disposal chute & Waste containers Main Area Falling through grate Top view of grate The part where you call "Mommy" Download: Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Due to the small, enclosed, space of the map I wasnt able to get many screenshots. I did, however upload 2 more on the bottom.
Definitely needs more pictures. I can't even see how the gates fit into the map. The interlocking looks a little sloppy too, because it's questionable from my standpoint whether or not you'd be able to smoothly walk on that platform or even throw a grenade without getting stuck.
It is small. Like I said, made for a small amount of people. And yes, i know i cant get good screenshots, but it cant be helped. (Unless i delete the roof to the level which also deletes the zombie spawn which is the main part... In other words Im too lazy ;])
It could use a little better interlocking, but it is excellent for a first post. I like your story, but it would be cooler if the workers had been infected by it, and then Spartans and Elites were sent in to contain the infection. (There is no such thing as a nuclear gene, it could be changed to a bio-research lab, where they genetically altered a virus or bacteria and created the infection.) I'm not flaming your story, just suggesting on improvements.
Very good architecture. Some of the best ive seen. however the floors could use a little more interlocking. other than that good job 4/5
Were you inspired to make this map after seeing the movie Sahara? I say this because that is where one of the most awesome scenes took place. Anyway, cool map with great interlocking.
nice map i like how you made the maps floor all hilly and stuff lol you interlocked well for a floor like that
Cool Wow looks cool, I am a little concerned about camping? Is this an issue on this map, because it looks like it might be, though I could be wrong.
Didnt much care for this map, there wasn't much to it, just two holes for the zombies to fall through, where they are generally quickly massacred.