map killtrocity inc. v2 gametype kill your boss i would like to thank HomieG54 for helping test hello forge hub this is fill the owner with his newest map killtrocity inc. v2 it is a small office building with the office room with about 8 offices the small cafeteria with two tables and a weapon rack witch has a rocket launcher a sniper rifle and a shotgun witch you can not get and the base ment with plenty of cover diffrences between v1 and v2 the offices are lower the basement walls are smoother weapons br mauler smg brute shot needler spike grenade plasma grenade bubble sheild pictures offices offices basement cafeteria
Hey Fill(the owner)! What an awesome map, the interlocking is phenomanal. I can't wait to get back from my sister's bday party and play it! BTW, Sorry I couldn't test the map, I had to go to my sister's birthday party.
Wow looks very clean where you put the weapons good job i love the under part its cool =P Fantabulous
Whife: How was your day at work honey? Husband: I killed a guy. Nice map seems fun for 3v3, 4v4 matches.-Downloading.
Oh yeah I tested. Well like I said before I love everything about the map I had fun testing it. Also yea in the pics check out my awesome Pinkness. And Hayabuasa (spelt wrong I think) ownage.
I like both versions! Can be alot of fun, some like it and some don't, but I think it is pretty good, and v2 is definately much cleaner! I wish it was a little bit bigger though. 4/5!
This looks awesome! The cubicle walls could be a little taller in order to take cover better, but other than that, it looks great. I really like the 'kill your boss' gametype.
Awww i was totally going to make an office map with cubicles and all. good work anyway you got my DL its exatly how i would have made it exept you forgot the water cooler. where else am i going to have those akward interactions with employees?