Instant Respawn

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. TrueDarkFusion

    TrueDarkFusion Ancient
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    Forging 101: Instant Respawn

    [ame=""]YouTube- ForgeHub Video Tutorial #2: Instantly Respawning Objects[/ame]

    In this episode of Forging 101 you will learn how to make objects respawn instantly in forge. Instant respawn is actually quite simply once you know how so in no time you will be blowing up any desired map.

    The first thing you have to do is select the object you wish to have instantly respawn. Now hit "X" on the object where you will see the object's attributes. Well now here's the trick, hit "X" again to bring up the object's summary page. On this page you will see object respawn minimum and object respawn maximum. Scroll down to the object minimum and increase it all the way. This tells the game that there have to be the number that you set for the minimum of the object on the map at all times. So if the object is destroyed the game will respawn one of the objects instantly to fill the niche. Note that if you add objects after you set the object's minimum you will have to increase it again as the minimum doesn't automatically increase as you add objects.

    Now that you know how to make objects respawn you can have a lot of fun with it. You can pile fusion cores and plasma batteries, set them to instant respawn, and explode the elephant constantly with a tank to send it on a flight around the map. Also now you can make raining fusion cores if you combine this method with the one learned in "How to: Floating Objects."

    Enjoy and have fun!
    #1 TrueDarkFusion, Dec 1, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2008
  2. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This is also useful to save cash concerning weapons and the sort. Instead of dropping fifteen BRs, just have one spawn infinitely and immediately. Voila, guns for everyone!
  3. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Unfortunately that doesn't work Lance, as the weapon in your hand is included in the run time maximum for that item. So you need to increase it in order for it to spawn again, which is counted towards the amount of money you have spent on the map.
  4. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    The good news is that increasing maximum only counts for inventory and budget, for item maximum, it won't count.
  5. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Ah this is true. I forgot about that. =(

    At least your item limit stays down. I actually dislike that more than I hate the cash limit. I mean, so what if we want to have only forty Ghosts on the map? Stop hindering our creative genius!
  6. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Agreed, I rarely run out of cash before I run out of items I want to place. :mad:
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Does anyone know if this is the sort of thing that Bungie could even edit? Or is this game code that can't be changed? They were able to change the damage value of grenades and melees for Halo 2, so couldn't they theoretically change this, as well? We must complain offer suggestions until they bow to our demands realize the brilliance of it all!
  8. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
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    I actually think the budget is built into the map information... so if they wanted you to fix it you would have to download map replacements. And the whole built into the map info stuff is how I would do it (being a programmer and all).
  9. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That would be a rather big download. Hopes dashed. *Sigh*
  10. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Helpful, thanks!
  11. Shadow_Player

    Shadow_Player Ancient
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    Ok, this is awesome!! I can really use this, so does the platform stay in place when a player stands upon it and does it stay stationary when impacted w/ explosives?
  12. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    I actually didn't know this untill I needed to know it. I needed to know it and I came here and looked it up, very, very useful! :D
  13. rj

    rj Ancient
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    Try doing this with any piece of equipment or power-up. Once you set the equipment to instant respawn, stand on top of it and you can almost constantly deploy any piece of equipment. My personal favorite is standing on an over shield power-up set to instant respawn. Doing this will make you invulnerable to all bullets and explosions. This is great for messing with your friends because from there perspective it just looks like your innocently standing there. Another useful piece of equipment to do this with is the trip mine. Piling up trip mines will give a whole new meaning to the term "fools gold". And if you stack enough trip mines, you can do something known as "overloading" the map. This technique can turn off the large gravity lifts built into maps, and if you do it on Sandtrap, you can also turn off the mines that are shot at you when you venture beyond the boundaries of the map.
  14. Shadow_Player

    Shadow_Player Ancient
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    overloading the map by using instant spawn!?? Idea comin to mind with that i could do wonders on Sandtrap
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Pursuing an earlier tanget from this thread - I see that you can't use instant respawn with weapons, but it seems to be implied that you can increase the runtime max somehow without adding more of the weapon. This isn't true, is it? I was playing with a map the other day and found that my runtime max for weapons was always the same as the number I had placed already, and it didn't seem to let me increase it beyond that. I can't remember where my budget was at that point, maybe that was the issue?

    Also, I have a couple related questions about that aspect of weapons. I know the weapon a player holds counts against the max. So if I have one sword pickup and I grab the sword, that still counts as 1 (against the runtime max of 1) and the sword won't respawn. I assume I have to throw it down and let it disappear before it will respawn again. Here are my questions then:

    - How long does it take after a player discards a weapon or dies before it vanishes and is eligible to respawn? Is it the same for all weapons?

    - This wasn't true of all Halo iterations, was it? I seem to recall that in Halo 1, weapons respawned at fixed intervals regardless of if someone was still running around with them. In Halo 2 it seemed like some weapons didn't respawn until dropped (the sword on Lockout and Midship, e.g.) but others would (battle rifles and the like). I can't actually verify this, it was just what I thought was going on without ever paying much attention to determine the truth of it. Maybe it was just that the spawn times were longer. In any case - does this system mean that all weapons now will not be heavily in circulation unless you place several of them on the map? And a shorter respawn time just means that when the player holding the weapon finally dies or empties it, it will respawn a little quicker from that point?
  16. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I answered my own question on the runtime max thing - it turns out it was a budget problem. You can only increase the runtime max if you have the budget for the extra weapons. So it's not very useful on weapons unless the map is tiny and you don't have many places to put them.
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    To answer your first question, it takes about 60 seconds for an object (sword in this case), to disappear after hitting the ground. If the sword is not picked up by a player within those 60 seconds, it will disappear, AND THEN the respawn timer will kick in. As far as I know, this 60 second limit is universal for all objects and is not editable. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    So for example, if you have a sword set to respawn in 30 seconds, if you pick it up and then drop it, it will take 90 seconds to reappear at its spawn location (60+30=90).

    If you have any other questions like this I will try to answer them.

    Happy Forging,

    --dumb cat
  18. Hill Devil

    Hill Devil Ancient
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    I just wanted to thank all of the forge hubbers..hubbites...hubbians...people for all of the Forge 101 tips, especially this one. I had no idea that some of these things were possible. This will definately add a whole new level to my forging.

    MONSTERBOY Ancient
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    I wish I could put forty Ghosts on a map, but the problem is the game would get so laggy no one would want to play.
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I made a laggy map once with too many fusion coils and it freaked me out the first time I played it. I felt like I was going to have a seizure. Needless to say I don't do the falling fusion coil thing anymore. o_O

    I do like the idea of instantly respawning custom power downs. It could really keep campers at bay if you put them in high camp zones.

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