Lynx Paradox: The New Version

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mr. Skittles, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Lynx Paradox
    "Never before hast the world seeneth something of likeness to the wrath of Lynx."
    -quote from the Halbinger of Lynx, by H. S. Salisbury

    Okay, here it is, the new version of Lynx Paradox. The middle area is completely the same. What I added were two tunnels that linked together the "side pits" and the original little "bases." Doing this makes the map MUCH bigger. I have new pics that show in order from what it looks like from the pits to the bases. I also has a new overveiw video which will be a lot more help in trying to see the map itself.
    So here are the new pics showing the offshoot tunnels:​

    Here is one of the side pits. It leads down into a tunnel:
    Here is the area right below the ramp leading down into the pit:​

    Here is the tunnel now leading away from the pit:​

    This is where you go up into one of the little "bases":​

    And finally, here is a shot of one of the original "bases", from a different angle of the previous shot, but showing where you can go down into the tunnel:

    Here two of the original shots, showing an overview of the middle pit and the middle area itself:


    The weapon list is the same except that in each of the tunnels (which are both the same on each side) have a Carbine and a Battle Rifle. I am sorry for the inconvenience of the last post, so hopefully this one is better. Here is the link to the new video overveiw:
    And here is the link to the new map:
    Lynx Paradox
    #1 Mr. Skittles, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  2. vinco onmia

    vinco onmia Ancient
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    Wow, that is all i can say, you made a great map that shows interlocking's advantages, it almost reminds me of the map Tunnel Rats.
  3. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Well thank you very much, vinco.

    Before anyone DL's, read this: DO NOT DL. I posted a link to a map with a grav-lift my friend put in secretly, so I need to repost it. This will only take a second. I will edit this post when it is ready.

    EDIT: OK, the link is up! Sorry bout that. Go ahead and DL it, and/or leave your comments.
    #3 Mr. Skittles, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  4. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    Thanks you so much for posting more pics looks amazing 5/5
  5. shortspeedy

    shortspeedy Ancient
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    Didn't you post this exact map a couple hours ago?
  6. Chicken Dippah

    Chicken Dippah Ancient
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    I really like that centre peice floor extremly subtle but pure awesome. As for that and that alone I'll download as not many people on FL play Halo 3 because they are all bummin' Cod4 It will be fun to play with the few friends that do play Halo :) Thanks ill post a reply after I finish oblivion :E (I hate this game)
  7. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    Thank you for you comments. Shortspeedy, obviously you do not read titles and/or posts, as I have clearly stated that this is the NEW version of the map I had posted. For you and you only I have a special link for you. Please click.
  8. silentPERFECT

    silentPERFECT Ancient

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    No the link wont work for me!!! it keeps saying security problems or something like that
  9. HLG Viper

    HLG Viper Ancient
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    looks very nice, it looks like the interlocking with the leaned double boxes took ages, so even if the gameplay is bad (which i don't know yet), it's worth a download because the aesthetics. DL'ing :)

    EDIT; the links redirect you to community maps page. maybe it's just me, but try fixing the link. i had to go to your profile and download it from your fileshare.

    EDIT; It's not on your fileshare. I suggest you fix the link.
    #9 HLG Viper, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008
  10. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh, no. I have just realized my link does not lead to my map? It instead leads me to the forums. Please wait until I fix this problem.
  11. XBlackDarknessX

    XBlackDarknessX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map looks very sweet and your interlocking is perfect that hole made with bridges and boxes it sweet to of the shape and images it shows ill download
  12. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    Great job dude! Very professional. 5/5
  13. SDV

    SDV Ancient
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    Lol dude i love your sig, and the ma i might Dl.
  14. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    This is a double post. It is going to get locked soon...
  15. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles Ancient
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    I really wish people would pay attention: This is version 2. I did not post the same map. I posted the same map with differentialities. What's wrong with you, Zander?
  16. the persister2

    the persister2 Ancient
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    very nice map indeed, nothing bad to say.
  17. tung44

    tung44 Ancient
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    wow great interlocking I'm downloading gotta check it out. good job is all I can say from the pics.
  18. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    This morning I looked at this map thought "Wow, how could so many people dis-like this? This is awesome!" Now I think it's even awesomer (not a word but w/e). I don't really like the covey/human feel. IMO that only works in big maps, and only for asymmetric game types. Great job!
  19. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    This is impressive, the forging accuracy is really something and the design is nicely structured as well, looks very well planned. The symmetry is really nice and, whilst I don't like covie weapons much I can see the humans/covies weapon layout giving interesting gameplay as this map is so small that all weapons are pretty much up for grabs by anyone so the human side shouldn't dominate too much. I thought the downstairs was a bit redundant until I noticed the nice 45 degree double boxes that act as jumpable ramps, they work really well and fit in perfectly with the visuals. The middle is quite busy and I'm not sure how this will play, could introduce lots of cover ducking but could also make moving around fluidly hard, I'll playtest and get back with my opinions.

    Over all the visual aspect of this map is great and the time taken to interlock perfectly has really paid off, good interlocking isn't always necessary of course, but in symmetrical maps like this it can really help to make each side a true mirror of the other. I'm glad to see no real power weapons in the map, a shotgun, hammer or mauler would have been to much for a map this size and rockets and snipers would just be silly.

    This map gets a 5/5 so far, I'll get back after a proper playtest but I can't see myself being dissapointed. Very nice work
  20. DRiSCOLL

    DRiSCOLL Ancient
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    looks really good, it looks nicely made and planned out, this map shows creativity, it looks very small but well done

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