Crashed Created by Speed e cake Supported Gametypes: Every game type is supported but plays best with small team based games like Team Slayer and CTF (the flags have an amusing spawn placement). Map Description The map is semi - symmetrical with two bases across from each other. What is between the two bases are different, there is a sniper tower and a little area that is setup to look like a crash site. The map has lots of cover along the sides of it; however minimal cover in the middle. _________________________________________________ Blue Base Red Base Inside Blue Base Inside Red Base The Crash Site Inside the Crash Site Overview Sniper Tower The Coolest Flag Spawn Ever _________________________________________________ Thank you to all who play tested the map and download the map. Download Crashed
at first i thought it was just going to be a bunch of thrown together junk, but after i looked at all the picks it looks really good. well forged and a good concept 4.5/5.
That is THE awesomest flag spawn ever, and i like your concept of having the crash site wreck stuff available as cover. Although, i prefer tunnels that make it hard for people to easily access a flag. Also, are there two sniper towers, or is that the non-symmetrical aspect of the map?
There is only one Sniper Tower, and there are 3 fusion coils there so a simple grenade can take out a camper.
its a nice inclosed map and it looks good/perfect for capture the flag but you should have interlocked your walls to make them better and look flatter
*warning! unoriginal comment* Needs interlocking. Seriously though, i really love the cover, the sniper tower, the whola layout of the map to make it simple. looks like loads of fun. I still think you need to interlock the walls. even if it's a pain in the ass, you should. Everyone loves a detailed map, and if you interlock, it shows your engagement a little more. still a 4/5 for the pictures and the design of the map!
its ok but i harldly even doubt it plays good wwith 2v2... maybe 1v1 but thast all... Great map though... way to samll for my likeing sorry
I think it's a little small. It's a room with lots of cover. But, you did an excellent job forging it.
Very smart: make the title crashed so we can tell ya that its not neat enough, ownage. Flag spawn= ZOMG LOL.
i love the whole thing except i think it needs more of a stucture in the middle instead of the crash which is just my opinion but i think ill have to pass on th dl.. the B side base is really interesting btw.
i like it but theres a wall behind the trucks so where did they come from and how did they crash into the fence walls lol
The sky, and they were drunk. Lol just kidding, it's just a crash to make the map more interesting and for aesthetic reasons.
It's small but that's ok... I like hectic games haha. The crash site looks good... might need a little more 'energy' to it... Like fusion coils on the trucks...
I thought of the Fusion Coils falling on the trucks but it would be an unfair advantage in CTF for Red team since the Truck is really close to blue base and may kill you if you get to close.