The new mine great map for 1 vs1 and 2vs2 this is an sort of update to my old map the old mine and if you have played it then the first thing you discover is I that ago the map is getting smaller over time just like the map sniper pit that have been on Bungie favorites some time ago, and I have removed the tunnel there was there in asymmetric games. I have also set shield doors at the entrance to the bases so you spawn more safety To those people how haven’t played my old my then I have to say the layout is very simple its basically 3×3 double boxes with a hole in the middle of the map the bases is just 2 double boxes that’s is open After two a half minute the whole hole is filled up and two stairs have come instead of the gravity lift that where there before and after 3 minutes there comes a rocket launcher with two shoots under the bridges in the middle of the map and on the those bridges a ghost spawn Very fun to play with rockets and mosh pit, can be play with every game type just not oddball and asymmetric games Items in the map 2 battle rifles 2 spikers 2 smg s 1 sentiles beam 1 brute shoot 1 custom power up 1 mauler 1 rocket launcher 1 ghost Overview pics An overview The bases The map is growing!!! The map after 30 seconds The map after 1 minute The map after 2 minute The map after 2,5 minutes The ghost The rocket launcher download it here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Tester alcorac muffin killer x Alexander 1991 me
this isnt very original because i remember sniper pit v1 AND v2 because they were the same concept of changing the map for gameplay. this isnt bad but kind of empty. 1/5 for originality. 2.5/5 for the map
Looks kind of empty but a few suggestions... Turn your bridge upside down, Show more of the map. I was saying to myself, "Looks really small..." then i realized it was for 1v1 and 2v2 stuff... Well I guess I will try it and see how it plays out...
The mmap is very well made but you have top many power weapons for to be any fun in the close range combet still good work 4/5
i like those maps that changed with the timed changes but the map seems pretty small i am not saying that is a bad thing because of foundrys limits. anyways i give it a 4/5
aah a lvl3 map I like this one,but in the screenshot "he map is growing" the B sign is still half way in the wall. Also when the second set of bridges spawn (not the first bridge) they look a little uneven and sloppy. And yes there are a few to many power weapons in this map. 3.5/5
Some points, like where the ghost is, seem to be hard to walk on. You should smooth it out so then people don't have to jump to get over it. Also, what is up with the sign B. It's like, in the wall.
the sign is set there so you can jump on yes and i know that with the bridge but i learn some thing i should make better in the next version
if i was a person who loved small maps this would be the greatest map to me... unfortuatly im not that person sorry... overall i really like the map nad the timed map events youv'e got there.. great work.. also im not sure how much the ghost will be used.. oh well nice job!
i like how the map changes and the shield door hallway is a nice touch, but in places the interlocking looks a bit messy but overall looks quite good
first it isent hallways it the based. yep and I know it messy people who say is looks to open try to play it
is it growing? or shrinking? that is the question. lol. anyway its changing.. first map in a while ive seen with timed map events.. good job.
As Th Kn1ght said, turn the bridges up-side-down, so not only does it look cleaner and better, but it's a flat surface. It doesn't look very original, since it seems just like an open area that closes over time (from what the pictures show), too many power weapons and a Ghost (a vehicle? Why a vehicle?) Sorry bud, 2/5. Also, you should have your posts look like you deeply care (grammar is bad is what I'm trying to say)