Themis TL-52

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by the_suicide_fox, Dec 5, 2007.

  1. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    NAME: Themis TL-52 (map variant of High Ground)


    An advanced combat simulator designed to emphasize close-quarters-combat, stealth, and fast reactions. REQUIRES GAMETYPE: Combat Training.


    Themis is the name of a non-existant moon of Saturn, similar to the Halo:CE map's name Chiron (and more than likely, both names refer to the same non-exsistant moon). As the description suggests, it is an ADVANCED combat simulator. You need to be stealthy, quick, and strategic in order to win.


    This map was inspired by Halo:CE's Chiron TL-34. Teleporters connect every room. There are 7 rooms; Bunker, Main Hall, Command Center, Armory, Garage, Storage, and Boiler Room. Each room has a 2-way, 1-way sending, and 1-way recieving teleporters (except for the Bunker). Majority of the 1-way sending nodes are marked by having the orange light facing a wall (e.g. it's not visible). All doors are blocked off with barriers, crates, and other items. Some larger exits to the outside are blocked off by falling bombs. You can TRY to escape the map, but chances are you won't make it (likewise, getting from one room to another illegally is just as impossible). There are also several break-away doors/barricades that you MUST destroy in order to access new areas (however they are easily destroyed so no more than 2 spike nades should do the trick).All teleporters have 2 recieving spots, making it useless to block a teleporter as the person will just be sent somewhere else.

    I attempted to make each room balanced by having at least 2 ways in and 2 ways out of each room and having equal weapon/grenade/equipment distribution. Weapons include Magnums, SMGs, Spikers, and a few well hidden Maulers. I think there is also a experimental weapon hidden somewhere on the map. Grenades are limited to Spike Grenades and Fire Bombs. Flares, radar jammers, and deployable covers are available around the map and can be used very strategically to hide from, run from, or block players.


    The required gametype that goes with the map, Combat Training, is designed to fit perfectly with the map variant. It is free-for-all slayer, first to 25 kills. Players run slower, which slows the pace of the game a bit and also prevents players from getting out of the map boundaries. Players can only deal 50% damage, but can only recieve 50% which, to the players, makes no difference when shooting at someone but it helps prevent someone from getting out of the map. Other settings include no vehicle use and 10M normal radar. By default, all players are zombie colored, while the leader is green, and a power-up player is gold. The power-up gives players Poor Camo, boosts their damage to 75%, enhanced radar, and 200% shield recharging. To prevent spawn killing, freshly spawned players have 5 seconds of Good Camo, are immune to headshots, and have enhanced radar. However, they can only deal half their default damage.

    I also developed 3 other gametypes to go with the map which are optional (but still a LOT of fun):

    1. Combat Squad is a team version of Combat Training. Color-coding no longer applies for leader, but a powered-up player will still be Gold.

    2. Combat King is a King of the Hill version of Combat Training. Every man/woman for themselves. You get 10 points for every second in the hill uncontested, 5 while it is contested, and lose 2 points per second you are not in the hill (so find that hill fast!). Oh, did I mention you don't have radar while in the hill? It's ok though, as your bright red armor can recharge shields a bit quicker.

    3. Combat Zone is a territories variant. It is team based with a 15 second capture time and 4 rounds of Offense and Defense. The offensive team spawns in Bunker, and the Defensive team spawns in Storage. Be warned, this gametype is designed for the expert Themis TL-52 players, as you MUST know where every teleporter goes in order to win. Defense has the slight advantage of having Poor Camo while in the territoy marker.

    All the gametypes are designed for 4-8 players (6 is preferred, especially for Zones and King). More than 8 players you risk lag and funlessness, since the map is relatively small.

    I put a lot of work into this map and the gametypes so I hope you enjoy it. Please rate and leave comments for further improvement.


    TESTERS: theSUICIDEfox , AprilFoxx , Sboob , WaRgOd9192, UltraNovaZimm, Ssyba, LostBytes

    Themis TL-52*
    Combat Training Gametype*
    Combat Squad Gametype
    Combat King Gametype
    Combat Zone Gametype


    Here are a few imbedded photos.




    Over 30 photos in the links below!
    Snapshot Album(MySpace)
    Snapshot Album(Photobucket)


    I hope by posting it here as well I can get more d/l's and thus more comments/feedback on how to improve the map. After publishing it, I noticed there are several areas you can get out of the map (specifically some of the concrete barriers can be destroyed and knocked over), although I don't really have a way to fix them. However, the bomb area and mostly all other doorways are impossible to escape, unless everyone in the room helps out. I am already at my item limit, so any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks!

  2. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34 in other words, no screen shots...and I really wanted to see it too
  3. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    There are screens in the Snapshot album at the end there. You can also check my profile on, as most of the SS's are still there (minus maybe 3 of 30)

    I don't like using myspace, but it's my only option. Anyone have any suggestions? I used imageshack for my sig, but IDK if you have a limit or anything.
  4. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    no use image shack like everyone else
  5. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Added a photobucket link to an album.

    I'm not a big fan of imageshack, it's not very user friendly, sorry :p
  6. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    I like it a lot. Nice development, well-planned, good idea. Not original, but finally, well done.

    Perhaps place a few pictures in your post, to further entice us?
  7. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    To be honest, alot of the map feels open unlike the old Chiron, I liked the other Chiron map here better =/
  8. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    The problem I see with other Chiron maps was that majority of them either:

    1. Can be easily escaped, meaning you have to play on the honor system. I didn't want that, although I'm trying to aim Themis v2 to work with all gametypes w/o the need for a specific kind (although you would have to turn off vehicle use)

    2. Rooms are too small. I like close quarters, but I also like SOME room to move. Themis has several small, medium, and large rooms, giving it variety. And no REALLY small rooms (bunker is the smallest room, and it's not THAT small)

    3. Teles are randomly put places and you don't need them to get around. I like the original Chiron in that you needed to learn teles and use them to get around. Most remakes feel like they just put teles everywhere with no thought to where they lead or if they even need em.

    I see what you mean about open. I wanted to add stuff inside the maps (like the Garage and Armory) but I just didn't have enough objects. Like I said, I aim for v2 to be playable with any gametype, with more weapon variety and more cover. If anyone has suggestions to improve it in this way please let me know. My XBL gt is thesuicidefox. Peace

    Imbedded photos moved to first post!
  9. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Well, you could improve your walls. Just reinforce them with teleporters, weapon holders and powerups. Any where you place any of these objects they will stay there for the whole game
  10. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    I used all my teles and weapon holders(check out the above screenshot). I didn't know about powerups though, so I'll look into that. I went in and fixed some problems by using grav lifts above the barriers to hold them in place. You can still break the corners, but you can't jump up to get leverage to knock it over.
  11. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    It was okay... better them most Chiron remakes but not the best. but i really like the wall that goes over the ramp in the bunker, it was in a difficult spot but still holds up well ;). but the fusion coils falling kinda takes away from the map. even though I doubt you have any more objects to block those paths. overall rather fun, 7/9.
  12. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Thanks. I was think for v2 to have a line of fusion coils to block off those areas and just respawn 1 in midair to detonate them all. It's just a matter of finding the right distance that even with normal damage resistance and shields you can't get by.

    BTW out of 9? Odd number to pick but I'll accept it LOL

    I tried to make it be able to play 1 flag ctf but it's really hard to make it balanced.

    I'm really into doing remakes (Chiron was my first choice b/c it's my fav Halo map). My next remake will boggle your mind! Problem is it's really hard to do, but Foundry looks very promising.
  13. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    You might want to edit your first post to include the embedded pictures; they're really good, and I don't want anyone to miss them.

    As for the map itself, I like it. I look forward to v2, as well.
  14. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Thanks :)

    I moved the imbedded photos to the first post.

    Also, I am looking for people to help me with with v2 and also my "secret project." Hit up my AIM "thesuicidefox" and I'll see if you are reliable (i.e. not trying to rip me off LOL) and then we can work together. I'm always online in AIM, but mostly away. If I don't respond right away I will eventually LOL. I'm really busy finishing up school work for the semester so I might not be around to do forging for a week or 2. Also the "secret project" really depends on how good Foundry is for forge. From its looks I believe I can pull it off. Oh, and you have to had played Halo CE, otherwise you really can't help with it LOL. And no it's not Chill Out or Hang 'em High (although maybe for future projects).

    PS If you guys check my fileshare, Deathstar already has almost 70 d/l's and it's only been out for about 8 days. Great gametype, and it only took me about an hour to make and refine!
  15. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Sorry to double post.

    I'm currently working on v2. My goal is to make it compatible with ANY gametype (although I'm not too into Infection), with little need to change any default GT settings (with the exception of turning off vehicle use). Anyone who has d/l'ed the map, I'd appreciate a little feedback on specific areas to improve or just ways to modify the design to meet my goal.

    I also want to swap the weapons a bit. I aim to have a Flamethrower and MAYBE a sword as power weapons. Some BR's, SMGs, and Maulers, with possibly a few Pistols & Plasma Pistols in the mix. I also decided to remove the spike nades and stay with just using fire bombs, but if the design allows I'd like to sprinkle a few frags on the map too. I also felt that I'd change the powerup to Camo to remove the need to customize powerup settings. Just to give you guys an idea for other improvements I want to make.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can post here, or contact me on AIM/XBL @ "thesuicidefox"

  16. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    Now this is how you post a map. Great description and pics.
    Would download if I could. Sister on xbox. already have 8 set. will do as soon as i can
  17. absentrabbit

    absentrabbit Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    yep of nine, is that a problem? Lol
  18. Fitzypatrick413

    Fitzypatrick413 Ancient
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    Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34

    try making the stuff more enclosed if u want,

    this looks ok though ;)
    i will have to try it
  19. thorvald killer

    thorvald killer Ancient
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    this map is really cool

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