ok people i'm thinkin about makin a map based on BioShock i've rented the game and i know what the environment is like but i dont know how to start it if anybodys got some tips they are appreciated and you can help if you want the part i got to in BioShock if this helps is the Neptune's Bounty part ok thanks
Bioshock's environment isn't unique because of any outstanding usage of architecture, but how representative it is of the 70's or whatever its supposed to be. Strip away the amazing details and you're not left with much, so I'm not sure how a Bioshock inspired Halo 3 map will be much different from other kinds of maps, other than the fact that it resembles the insides of a building. Who cares though. I'd be glad if you can prove me wrong. I actually haven't seen many indoor themed foundry creations anyways.
The 70's?! How old are you? ROTFLMAO!!!! Man, that totally cracks me up. The style from Bioshock is considered Art Deco, and its origins date back to the 30's. Thank you for a making me laugh my ass off and feel really old at the same time. (I'm not trying to insult you either :squirrel_wink It would be pretty difficult to capture the feel of Bioshock. That was about as unique of a feel as can get. Plus you'd have to use an area where you could partially submerge your setting. Could be done on a small scale on Last Resort or High Ground. Even Valhalla might be better; it has more of an ominous feel to it than the others do...
But it's still good. I mean, that's like saying Halo's a rip-off of the Bible. No one cares; it's just fun.
Just did a quick search and found out that it's based on Ayn Rand's book "Atlas Shrugged". Looks like a tough read to me. Back on subject, sounds like a good idea, it'll be interesting to see how this one turns out.
Ok for starters: BioShock isn't "based" off of anything, it just features an objectivist world which condemns altruism, such as in Atlas Shrugged. Atlas Shrugged wasn't underwater, didn't have plasmids, and there weren't any Big Daddies. Now concerning your map: I think it's a great idea. Getting it to look like BioShock sounds impossible, but the physical structure of the level could be based off of a level. Whatever gives you inspiration, go for it.
Sorry to correct both of you but Bioshock takes place in the early 50s, so you both were off by 20 years. Anyways, I can't imagine how hard it would be to make a Bioshock map, or even if it's possible. One of the big ideas of Bioshock was to use the environment as catalysts for your weapons and attacks, (I.E. shocking water, lighting gas, throwing objects, etc.) So it might make sense to utilize the use of fusion coils in many places, so you could use them to simulate that concept. Another thing about Bioshock that is key is the lighting creating a dark environment and the music creating a creepy atmosphere, but there's nothing you can really do about that. There were lots of turrets in Bioshock so you'd probably want to include those in your map (even though they were auto-turrets, but whatever.) Perhaps you could set it up in a forge gametype, make only the host be able to the monitor and make the monitor invulnerable and active camo with enhanced radar, then have one person with the host on a team against everyone else. Players go unchanged other than no radar. The monitor would help like the guy on the radio helping you the whole time, being able to scout out the enemies and tell you where they are, give you weapons and whatnot. (It's fair that he can give him weapons because it's all against one. Other than that I've got no ideas
Yeah except i've noticed that if you set the forger to host only, the others can just press start, and click "go into forge mode." It's a major flaw in that setting!
Well maybe... you can make a type of dramatic hall with a double curving stair case like when you help the insane artist (forgot his name) make that sculpture with the pictures. With Big Daddy gametype included.
I remember seeing a Bioshock gametype on Bnet awhile ago, and recently deleted it... The VIP was the Little sister, going to points and "extracting adam" and the people around her were the slow-moving, strong "big daddies." I'll try to find it...
Based wasn't really the right word. "Inspired" is probably a better description. Back on subject, the atmosphere that makes Bioshock Bioshock will be hard to replicate on forge. But I don't know, having smal, clostropobic corrdors might do the trick.