The gameplay isnt affected very much since both teams have a mancannon that takes u up to top mid quickly. Either use those or the jump to get there. So even if ur up there ur not completly safe.
this map looks lovely, but i do agree on the lack of cover. i also like the 4-part jump! not enough strategic stuff going on in maps lately. i advise adding some laid down wall corners as little tents to take cover in down below, or something. itd make this map great instead of good.
This looks great, reminds me of the map pinnacle. Looks like you've put a lot of good work into this so good job 5/5.
Thanks for all the comments guys. Im working on making more cover in the middle rite now. Testing different things that can be added.
ok i checked out the map and have to say the cover really isnt an issue but the mancannons are crap seriously u have to jump through them like 10 damn times before they actually work which will hurt gameplay a bunch and plz dont even try to argue about that
yea i realized the mancannons were a problem. I could go through them fine but people were having trouble. Its fixed now and i will reupload later.