I was making a map called Snipe Warz just doing some testing and I was placing a man cannon so I got it to the right place i wanted, saved changes and quit and came back in so it would stay in the right place. Well when I did that, I found it was off just a bit, so I tried to move it and nothing happend. I can't grab ahold of it or do anything with it. I also had that same problem where I was interlocking to objects as well. Any help?
ok i think i no what your problem is. since you were interlocking, an item was placed so that it didnt spawn until later. every time u start a forge map that has an item that doesnt spawn right away, it shows the item, but doesnt let u touch it. to solve this problem, simply start a new round and wait for it to spawn
After I interlocked I set the spawn time to spawn on start. After that I can not even click on it. So it still does spawn at start but I just can't do anything with it. I deleted all the objects around it so now I just have an immovable "B Sign" and "Mancannon"
Just start a new round. Try searching next time this problem has been answered many times in this forum.