The Midget: Much like the spanish inquisition no one ever expects the midget-to be good at the game- Pwning unsuspected yanks since 1993
Gamekiller - ya you melee'd that guy, or threw a grenade, shot him on the body with a sniper. but if you dont kill him, ill just finish him for you with a br shot in the head. if you get to close *splash* sword in face or Drunken gamer; You always play better halo and golf when your drunk. "Can take on any form of previous gamer types, depending on type of liqour." Not beer, when im zooted i get like 30 kills and under 10 deaths its crazy or Jack of All Trades-Always on the front lines and can use any weapon to do the job. Usually focusing on the BR but will pick up anything for that 2nd slot to gain an edge. I usually lead the team but i dont stay to close i prefer br and any 1shot sheilds down or cqb weapon
I guess I'm a Mad Rusher, and Cool Sniper, varies depending on team. But I know all the respawns, weapons and the hill changes/approximate weapon spawn time.
Gillimanjaro, could you please try not to directly quote the whole thing, it makes the pages really really long and takes people away from the comments of others
You put that very, very well. Thats how I am. I'm not the best guy on the team, but I can pull us through if someone teabags. (Yeah, you know how that makes me feel.)
I'm the guy that runs through the field teabagging every dead body out there I don't care if your on my team or not i will teabag you. I generally get very few kills as I am pre-occupied else where.
The Regis Philbin, Scout, and most of the time Absolute Annihilator. I recently go for the splaser and try to get medals. I feel like a nub, but a Running Riot is worth it
I'm gonna add a poll i think, of the top ones people are choosing, to see what most people are && is your name blue? isn't that the computer people only?
Dragoncoals can do whatever he wants.He's tha sh** remember?lol and he saved the world. And blue is just for admins isnt it?I think he still has admin status (correct me if im wrong,the "previous FH owner"'s just the custom title right?)
truthfully, i cant tell you, but i thought light blue was respected, and normal blue is the site managment, like the people that make this site what it is
His blue is different because he's a Respected Administrator, not just a Respected Member , I'm guessing. Anyways, now I think I'm an Involved Player and an Easy Going Guy. After reading what I am, it seems like an Oxymoron, but it's what I am.