I had a recent stroke of brilliance and came up with a contest idea. Firstly, I would like everyone to know that I cannot host this contest, simply because I do not have time, but would be willing to be a judge. The Contest: Take a pre-made Foundry map (This map will be devoid of everything except scenery) And then see who can have the best weapon placement for the map. Ex. Who can make the map the best just by moving around weapons or changing spawn times and all that good stuff. Also, to make it more difficult, each contest would have a set list of weapons and equipment that all have to make it into the map, as well as a rule that all weapons that are not on the list are not allowed in the map. Once again, this is just a concept and I have no intentions of starting it as of now, however, if anyone would like to try hosting this contest then notify me. Thanks MattDGiant
I will help you judge if you want also, I'll help you forge the pre-made map, make it something very unique and hard to balance.
Thanks Killimanjaro, but Like I said, first I just want to see if anyone would be interested in trying this out. Making a map for this contest would make people focus on other forge skills rather than just being able to "tele-write"
this sounds like something familiar... OH YAH lol this is almost just like the contest that i am doing. if u want, u can see the link on my signature. apparently the staff are planning exactly the same thing as well, sooo im not sure what to think...
Yea well Chief wiggum I saw your contest and I think its a great idea. I just wanted to try something that made a forger try to do things differently.
Instead of focusing on the aesthetics of a map, or durability, the forger would have to focus on what the best possible weapon layouts for a map could be while making sure to stay within the weapon guidelines. I mean, like, A map could look beautiful, but who wants to play it if the weapons suck ass? Besides, weapon layouts generally help make a map. Not only would this be a fun challenge to FH users, but it could help them start thinking about how to place weapons and equipment in their own maps.