I know this isn't traditionally brought up or debated about, but it is a serious issue. First of all, alcohol is the most common drug used among teens. Typical high school parties have alcohol, because it is easier to access. It also kills youth 6 and a half more times than drugs combined. It has also been proven that youth that have tried alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than teens that have not used alcohol. This is a major problem that creates long term addictions. Millions of people die a year in alcohol related crashes or misuse, and I find that really disturbing. Discuss your views on alcohol, because I want to know how everyone else feels on the subject
Here in Australia alcohol and binge drinking has just become a big deal on the news and in politics. the government is doing all sorts of things to try and stop binge drinking. I think that the responsible use of alchol is fine. The kind of drinking I have a problem with is when people drink simply for the purpose of getting off their face. Binge drinking is what kills people and it's an issue that the people have and is not caused by the alcohol. I don't think trying alcohol contributes directly towards the cocaine use. The type of people who would try alcohol at a younger age would be more likely to try drugs like cocaine
Yeah, I agree. What is the worst is when people just drink, to drink. They drink alcohol just for the fact that it is alcohol. I drink, not a lot, I've been drunk plenty of times, but I've never been to the point where I've either thrown up or passed out, and to be honest I dont really want to. In Australia, I'm not 100% sure about this but underage drinking is more lenient on private property. So if you get smashed in you own home, you wont get into any trouble but when you leave and go about, that's when you can get into strife, as I said, I'm not 100% sure on that.
I've been drinking since a young age and I'm perfectly fine. Not an alcoholic or messed up in the head other than my own cultivated insanity. The only time booze become a problem is when people are too stupid to know when to stop. Simple as that.
I'm going to break this down very simply: "It has also been proven that youth that have tried alcohol are 50 times more likely to use cocaine than teens that have not used alcohol." I believe you are talking about marijuana, and that is called the gateway theory (link). Probably top 10 stupidest ideas I have ever heard but whatever. Comparing alchohol to coke is in itself a ridiculously far out idea. And lets take a peek about this 6 and a half times more than drugs deal. . . LINK Once you scroll down to the BOTTOM of that page and look 5-6 from the top you find alchohol and drugs. You're right, alchohol kills more people than drugs. . . by .02% hmmm. . . Onto my next point, what do you want me to say? Alchohol is good? Lets go pickle our livers w00t? Thats like people being in favor of slavery in 2008. We ALL know that its bad. 'NUFF SAID
I binge drink to a certain extent.. I drink untill I get tipsy and ****. Drinking untill passing out and waking up in your own vomit.. that isnt really my idea of fun (or good for you) its happened to me twice and I dont really want to repeat it. (okay I'm sounding like a hypocritical bastar xD) The point is.. drinking until relaxed - Tipsy - drunk = okayish.. passing out/alcohol poisoning = kinda stupid
Alcohol isn't a drug, its a poison. There is nothing addictive in it. It slows the reactions in your body, and makes you feel happier. The only thing you can be addicted to is feeling good. No craving.
That's why when a long term alcoholic tries to quit, they experience withdrawals and shakes similar if not worse than heroin withdrawal symptoms....?
Well actually, I'm straight-edge, so I don't drink, not even communion wine at church. I view alcohol as an overall bad idea, but I'm not preachy about the fact that I don't drink
Good, +rep for you. I dont mind people having those kind of beliefs as long as they dont try to cram down my throught. Its your choice not to drink, smoke and such and I respect that. I myself dont ever plan on smoking anything but I ahve drunk and I do plan on doing that but I'm not obsessed with it. I love to mix drinks, but I dont do it just because I can.
Drinking reduces your inhibitions and makes you do stupid things. One mistake can ruin your life... or end it. I've been lucky more times than I care to remember. If you're going to drink, drink responsibly.
Withdrawal Symtoms has little to do with addiction. You can get withdrawal symptoms from anything if you like it badly enough.
What? Withdrawl is the reason people can't quit drugs or alcohol because of what they experience when they don't do it. I can't go a day without having a coffee or a caffeinated soda or I will experience a throbbing headache and sometimes nausea. If you have withdrawl that m means you have an addiction. Withdrawl is not just a desire to do something.
Yes withdrawl is a desire to do something. Up until 2 years ago I was a smoker. You know how I stopped? I didn't want to smoke any more. I have not had one urge or craving in the last two years. If you think you cannot quit because of withdrawal symptoms it just means your character is not strong enough. And before you say smoking is not as bad as some other drugs I know a guy who used to be 'addicted' to crystal meth. He quit the same way I quit smoking. He just didn't want it anymore.
I really cannot understand the purpose of getting **** faced all the time, its pointless and harmful to yourself and often times others. However, I can understand drinking for the actual taste of it, and not in large quantities. The reason drinking is such a big problem is that the age for it is so high, and its completely off limits until then. Underage people do it as much as they do because its illegal (or to get drunk- I don't understand either, and I'm 15). In other countries (especially Germany) its not as big of a deal, so people don't go out and get drunk all of the time. Also, just to be nit picky, in the OP you said teens are more likely to go onto cocaine and other drugs if they drink alcohol. I believe you, but you should link somewhere to prove it.
Teens have a desperate need to fit in. Weather they start with alcohol or somewhere else it doesn't matter. If they think doing drugs and what not is the only way to fit in and make friends, they'll do it.
Well considering that I am in the middle of that time (teenager) I will say that in no way are people pressured into drinking, and its plenty easy to make friends without having to drink or smoke or whatever. Its the choice of the teen. No one really discriminates based on who drinks or who doesn't.
I didn't say that was the case mate. I said if the BELIEVE it to be the only way to fit in. Obviously there are exceptions.
You never had withdrawl symptoms? Addiction doesn't make it impossible to quit, just really difficult.