the map I have improved the map description alot and some of the picture captions. sabotage game variant A swat style assault game with long respawns and limited lives, quite like COD4 sabotage or search and destroy. sea creatures infection variant swat settings on infection, quite fast zombies weak to headshots. I couldn't decide whether to put this in competitive or casual so i just put it in here. It's WW2 and your small cargo ship is carrying extremely valuable documents and plans. The Germans have hit you but cannot hit anymore incase you sink and the documents are lost forever, instead the send in a team to destroy the engines and stop the boat. Sabotage game description Basically this map is a sinking ship made on about a 30 degree angle(i used stairs to make the angle) with a protected engine at the rear. Attackers must fight there way through the boat and plant a bomb into the engines. The main deck consists of three rooms and some stairs, the first is the captains quarters where the attackers will first enter, not much in here except a radar jammer and a big wheel. Next is the shotty room, about 4 wire spools have rolled from the tilt and make amazing cover for the defender who will spawn next to a shotgun. This next room can be the key fighting area because it has lots of cover and random crap rolling around everywhere which really adds effect in game. From this room you can go to the stairs or there are two secret passages to the lower deck (Anyone who actually reads the description gets a spoiler lol) They are both found under the crate and barrels at the right which can be easily moved by a fusion coil, one hole drops down into a storage room which you can crouch jump over the door leaving you opposite the lower end of the stairs. The other hole leads to a passage which ends up at the hidden back corner of the two bunks (which are right next to the bomb plant point) Downstairs there is less cover but the angle which the stairs are and makes it quite difficult to get past defenders. This means the secret tunnels are very useful. Also under the pillow (barrel) on one of the bunks there is an SMG (even though it's not very useful in SWAT) Remember that sabotage is based on SWAT setting so headshots are the key to success. Sea creatures game description Now obviously I'm not going to re-describe the map for infection. Zombies spawn above the captains quarters like in sabotage while the crew spawn at the very bottom of the boat. The first part of the game can be quite hectic as the zombies have a big head start but once you control them they are easily possible to hold off. This infection gametype is hopefully fair, SWAT setting mean skill actually is needed to hold off the zombies, also big boring rounds where the humans are overpowered should happen as it's easy to miss a headshot. (walking backwards with your head down can be quite effective if you don't get assasinated.) Ususally the secret tunnels become the camping place of most people but when they get overcrowded the zombies can easily get a feast. Heres the pics.. the breach captains quarters and the big wheel shotty room, this acts a a really good surprise for the attackers as the "captain" will spawn in here right next to the shotgun (only on sabotage) main deck engines with two bunk at the side lower deck Bang! wonder where this goes... Action shots
good job and good use of interlocking. nice job on the whole angle concept also. and beside the point you are doing a great job with foring keep it up.
looks good but i have already seen like 5 maps exactally like this one but i am impressed this is very good nice interlocking and angleing so ya nice job
Distortion makes me too distorted to play. I think this will work because there will propably be only 2 walkable walls.
it doesn't look like it is supposed to have walkable walls, the map is basically a giant ramp with a few cool features. I'll dl later
Looks like a lot of fun! Reminds me of those first few moments of starting to play CoD4 campaign on the boat as I thought "Holy S*** I'm gonna , I'm gonna die". Don't really like the game types however. Is there weapon spawns for other game types like slayer?
Yea this map isn't meant to be like distortion, distortion is basically there to confuse you, I only tilted this map to add effect of sinking.
I've just realised there was a gap where the bomb could fall through so I've updated the map, if you see this you might wanna re-download because it was a pretty big problem.
Gawd i still haven't been able to get party leader for ages and non of my friends play halo any more... I really wanna test this map out some more.
looks really good, distortion would make my eyes hurt after a while but this looks really cool, totally differant, good idea and nicely done
Looks very side I'm not sure if my head will recover after playing this. My eyes are crossing. Good job making the map on this strange angle. I can only imagine how other players will feel when their grenades are missing me like crazy. Good work.