MLG Legend v1 Created by Xx i4ml3g3nd xX Supported Gametypes: MLG TS v4 MLG Multiflag Map Description My map was made to be different, have that extra something, and I think I got it. This is my first map with Geo-merging. The layout is somewhat like most MLG type maps, but instead I made it look cooler than most in many people's opinions. The one major diference is a large horn looking walkway in the middle of the map. Another is the difference of the bases, also in every corner the is a little L-shaped cover. Enjoy! Weapons/Respawn/Amount Battle Rifle/30 Seconds/15 Carbine/60 Seconds/4 Mauler/60 Seconds/1 Plasma Nades/30 Seconds/8 _________________________________________________ Overview of one half. The middle and my beautiful work. Under the horn. (You can get cover in the wall corner.) Up or down? (Side of a base.) The beautiful front view. L-Cover! Inside the base. Opposite the horn. Down the horn. Beatiful merging opposite the horn. Higher up the horn. Finally the top! Action Shots! _________________________________________________ Thank you for your time! Please leave feed back and well download! P.S. This map took about 20 hours! Download MLG Legend v1 Download MLG Multiflag Download MLG TS v4
Looks like a great map, nice interlocking/geoglitching and it seems equally based throught the map one thing i you may consider is a name change, i've seen this name about 20 or so times now
not bad some things need to be straightened out, like that fence wall above the dumpsters. Also, dumpsters can't be moved by any amount of grenades, so the weapon holders and tele's are completely unecessary Other than that.. perfecto
Looks great for mlg and ffa i love the open box you have in your pics and your interlocking is kew! no so much on the sides tho you should put more on the sides and i think itll be perfecto! good job tho 4.5/5
A lot of time has gone into this but I think you should have stayed away from the square look. Also on the pic "beautiful front view" i don't think it looks that beautiful, the teleporter's not even central. Overall it's a good map and contains merging and geo but i find it too square and i look for original ideas. (MLG is like sticking a rusty spoon up my butt, i don't like it)
This my friend looks like a freaking awesome map, at my first sight. At my second sight= I'm gonna have a blackout... At my third sight= Is this guy human 7/5 like lolololol.
Yeha, the interlocking could be slightly better, I'm not saying its bad interlocking don't get me wrong its just some parts are not perfect, the rest is completely perfect though.