this is a zombies map and its pretty fun and cool took me like 2 days to put together and i hope u have fun with this as much as i did. go here to download it: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing heres some pics of it Overview Human Spawn Zombie Spawn Cats Walk Drop Zone Armory Mini Base 1 Mini Base 2
sorry to say it but i don't like armories and with the zombie spawns together like that it could lead to spawn camping. also might want to give the zombies a bit more cover/scenery to move around. other than that the map itself looks pretty clean.
Very open on the sides you can fix that with sideways doors and stuff good interlocking tho this map can be exciting if you add more i suppose.3.5/5
What is there to say about zombie maps....especially ones with armories... well theres a 4 letter word but were not allowed to say that on the forum sorry but it doesnt look too good.played on normal zombie the humans would whoop the zombies repeatedly. +the spawns and such are terrible
Please dont take this the wrong way, but how did this take 2 days to complete? No interlocking (although I dont mind maps that dont always include it) respawns are in two easily recogniable places easy for spawn camping and general geometery looks a bit simple. Good try but needs work
13 words dude: 'overpowered armory', 'no interlocking', 'too open', 'supports camping', 'Oh my fcking god' and 'gay'.
this is very open and the bases look like camping areas please don't have camping areas they are bad i think, also NO INTERLOCKING, NO!!!!!!!!! i need interlocking, please make a version 2 and add interlocking and have no camping and you have a my DL
i think this map is really good i dont care about interlocking or armories but i would add more cover for the zombie spawn but otherwise this map looks really fun and i cant wait to play it
well i kinda made it open for a reason cause there is one alpha zombie that is invincible and the rest are super fast with low gravity on to even the playling field
Guy's give him a break seriously don't be such jerks, He could've lied bout the 2days but still...It's probably his first time here and he'll probably not gonna wanna post maps here cause he's gonna think he'll get flamed including the fact he made the rules.
OH MY GOD WHY DOSE EVERY FING THING HAVE TO BE INTER LOCKED WITH YOU PEOPLE IT LOOKs FINE AND PLAYS FINE WITH OUT IT! I for one only interlock when I nee a specific size or to make the map flow well not because I feel some insai urge to be a conformist freak. so my advice to you darkassailant: Interlock IF YOU want to not if they tell you to. BTW: if you feel like you need help feel free to send me a PM I can help most of the time.
it looks ok but armeries are not a good idea, and some places seem sloppy as such, but still looks fun u just need to clean it up abit
alright ill be sure to clean it up and make it look good for the next sector 17 and it wiil be better.
I hate to burst your bubble Paulie but most infection maps are not what makes it one sided the one sided part would be the game type where people make the zombie have nothing but crap for weapons and the humans get every thing.
So, its LIKE fat kid. The alpha zombie is UBER slow and invincible, but the zombies are UBER fast, jump high, and die in one hit.