Baby Soccer The new generation for soccer game Hello gamers !!! I introduce my new map on Foundry, Baby Soccer. I a bit drew inspiration from the baby-football ^ _ ^ This map is a bit a "revolution" for the soccer on Halo 3 with its systems. Ground delimited in height on the turf, beautifful outlines, goal ameliorated, an automatic system for the returns of the ball as soon as a team scores a goal, panels of indications... In my slot #2, you can download the gametype for this map The name of game variant is "Football". One of my objectives by creating this map was to reinvented the soccer, to give the desire of playing those which did not test or have bad impressions because of the many identical maps without innovations, and bugs... I think it's a success by seeing reactions on [EDIT] Version 2.1 I announced there is a little time to update the 1st version but, I completely remade the map. The map is now perfectly symmetrical, straight, flat, add line center, the goal area... There are a little more decorations, and those bases were improved. The referral system for the ball was also seriously altered for a perfect experience. In short, rather than talking, I let you download the map. You can also see the video version of the 1 on Dailymotion. Links (rates/comments ^^) Look the movie Download Version 1 Download Version 2.1 Good games, and thanks ;-)
I like the return system, that's a great addition. The one thing I don't understand is that people never set player speed to something lower.. if you did that then you would have to have people playing in positions, anticipating plays, it would scale the pitch up to a proper size... and it would be generally awesome. The goalkeeper would have to stay in his goal. Defenders caught out of position would leave the team open to a long ball, etc. Until someone gets that down I probably won't be playing a soccer variant. (If they do then hell yeah, get a team sorted out and everything..)
:squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_giggle: :squirrel_grouphug: This definitely deserves some squirrel smileys, I would not have thought of this in a million years, kudos to you on this great idea. *thumbs up*
Props on the return system, although it does make goal tracking a bit tough. But I applaud you nonetheless.
i would advise to get rid of the other soccer ball on the map. i get confused when a person hammers the extra ball out
Great map that is worthy of a feature. If you give me permission to feature this I will add it to my long list of "to feature maps." Of course as Shock said you might want to turn the player speed down a little on the variant. If you want us to feature it make any changes, update the post, and let us know. :squirrel_rubberduck:
Wow, great creation! This is pretty sweet. I can see myself playing this a lot more than other soccer games.
Yes, I know... and, I'll make an udapte soon ^^ ---------- Thank TrueDarkFusion ^_^. I can change the speed of the players in the gametype, but the players can still change the speed easily. What I do think, is a slot #3 with the slow speed. Otherwise, when you say "update the post", I change what specifically?
Just change the links to the new map post and gametype post on Bungie. Once it's finalized let me know so I can add it to the long list of maps that are to be featured.
Ok, but the udapte of Baby Soccer come at the end of this month... And, you do not know if you can replace the old version with the new version (on the same slot) keeping the comments and downloads on my shared files in Bungie?
I agree with the idea to feature it the innovation for the return system is brilliant. It definetly should be posted I give it a thumbs up.
i have an idea for you to update the maps to help keep scoring instead of a path that joins map two different paths for the ball to join so when one team scores the ball goes through its own path and lands in a fence box first, so then you can limit the soccer balls to 3 and first one to score 2 goals wins. and you would know who scored
The map design puts a whole new meaning in for soccer. I like what you've done, this is quite creative. Good work.