Even breathing the smoke blown in my face by people walking in front of me is bad. Smoking's terrible and should be banned. If anything it's more harmful that Marijuana.
i agree with you! smoking is terrible, but if people want to do it, its their choice. Smoking is so bad that smoking marihuana is actually better for you. (i do neither and never will) even though this is also a big debate.
I know but I had to bring it up because it was either me or someone else.Every froum has their smoking debate.
Well, it seems like I am up against everyone else, so I will take my leave from this thread until someone can provide a new argument.
I think they shouldn't put nicotine in the cigarettes so people don't feel like they're controlled by it.
I'm sorry but I have to say this. Screw everyone who smokes. I have asthma, and I can't tell you how many attacks I get from inconsiderate people lighting a cigarette near me. It pisses me off that I have to suffer because they had to start smoking. I hate smoking, and I hate smokers. And that's my opinion
I dont like smoking either, but thats harsh. just because you have asthma doesnt mean its everone else's falt. for example, my cousin has asthma and he smokes. its his fault.
I'm saying I don't think it's fair that I choose to stay away from smoking, but I still have to deal with the effects of second hand smoke. I don't want to be hospitalized because someone decides to light up a cigarette
ya and that is screwed up, but not all smokers smoke in front of others, some leave the room or smoke else where. im just saying dont be so quick to balme every1
I don't know why you would defend smokers, though. It was their choice to start smoking in the first place. It's not a disease and they can control it. Plus, cigarettes, even though illegal to minors, are still distributed throughout schools and pretty much everywhere. I think its sick how kids can start smoking and never break the habit. Some kids at my school said they don't care about cancer and how they rely on medicine to be advanced enough in the future to cure them, which is bull Also, whoever left negative rep for me for my comment earlier can suck it. I didn't make up having asthma and that affects me, which gets me pissed
It's not that simple. Addiction is basically a disease. Once they start smoking and their brain becomes addicted, the withdraw symptoms when they stop can be crippling even deadly. Controlling your smoking habit can be very difficult especially you have become totally addicted and you try to stop without any support. I personally don't intend to ever smoke. I can see many people would start smoking because their friends are smoking and they're not strong enough to stand up to the peer pressure.
I dont ever plan on smoking. I know of people who do and it doesnt make me want to at all. I could get asked, offered, I wont, its a choice of mine. I've said this before but when I think back most of the people who have smoked in my family have passed away. One of my Uncle's passed away about ten years ago, my Aunty which I'd really not like to go into passed away a couple years ago and my Grandfather whom I never met died of emphasyma in his early 50s. I dont see the attraction to smoking.
So... there was a Story of A poor city worker... He rode the bus to work every day.. 10cents on 10 cents off.. well one day he lost his dime after he got on So his wife brings him Sandwitches..... from now on while he is stuck on the bus... Now lets look at the Idea we didn't have a law forbidding alcohol .. then we did.. the Level of illegal Acts don't limit people from doing things.. its More moral action that are going to limit them... As for Smoking Its only knowledge that can make a difference... After that its in each person choice not to smoke..or do what ever... they want to do... Catapults maybe out lawed but only out laws use Catapults..
I have asthma too.But I only had one attack.Buit you know you get that from the doctor "it can happen anytime anywhere".But when smoke is blown in my face I do feel my lungs tighten up and I weeze a little.So if I did stay in a smoking area for a while then I would prbally have an attack. True.I wasn't born with asthma I was diagnosed with it.I don't blame smokers,I don't blame anyone. Very very true.They should somehow control second hand smoke. Still they're smoking.GOing outside won't help them selves or the earth. Theres many kids who smoke weed at my school.They say they're addicted but I know they're not.There only 13 and smoke it a little so it can't be possible they're addicted. But like Dom said earlier if you put your mind to it you can stop. Why the banzors? Good.I like how you stray away form peer presure like me and many others that don't wnat to commit suicide. Lol I don't get all those riddled but I do get the end part.People always will do illegal things.
What I was saying before is that they chose to start smoking, so it is their fault. A very poor choice, by the way, but they can control it. It's hard to control, but it is possible
Yes it is hard to control but you can if you really want to.But if there was no nicotine there would be no addicts which means there would be no cigarettes period.