I have gone to Private school for K-10 (so far). And i have always wondered what is best for people not just in forms of education but in social and other life experiences? Public-> government run Private-> run by a board or 1 person or not government run Parochial-> A religious school IE catholic school Home school-> (Speaks for its self but for dense people) learned form home but were given standardized tests to be sure they were up to snuff I also have some threads about Dress codes? Boys and Girls only schools Corporal Punishment? Legalize Drugs? Handing out condoms If you like my debates let me know!
Public FTW. Wear whatever we want.Do some naughty stuff in the hallways lol.But the budget cuts form the mayor sucks beacuse the paper is limited now.
It really depends on the area. Where I live, public schools can be just as good but 10K less. I kind of live in parochial school haven-cincinnati. Elder is 7K and St X is 10k. My friend is taking easier classes at X then me, and I go to a public school. But in some areas the public schools are in the crapper.
It does depend where you live in my opinion, here in Indiana or at least where I had to go to school it was a horrible school system, I didn't know but a hand full of people that didn't spend the majority of their off time smoking or drinking mainly because there isn't anything to do for kids where I live, and lets face it, smoking and drinking were fun at the time, not to say they still aren't. Our sports programs were horrible and we had no real extra curricular actives. Some of the brightest and most social kids that come out of our town were home schooled, my kids will not go to the same school that I went to. So all in all I guess it just depends where you are from.
I used to go to a public school. After a while I changed to a private school because me and my family decided that I wasn't getting the challenges in my work that I needed and the public school couldn't provide them. I've been going to the private school for 6 years now and I think it's much better than public schooling. it is a lot more expensive and only available to the richest part of the population but I think it is worth it.
I am personally homeschooled and I definetly would pick that. Home school you can go at your own pace, be advanced as you possibly can be, and even get into college early. (my older brother just graduated and he is the age of a 9th grader)
I take extreme offense to that. I've been home schooled since 2nd grade, (we moved and the public schools were **** and the private schools were 10K-20K per year) and I would consider myself to be quite intelligent compared to most people my age. When I take my sat/ssat/ect tests I take them at schools and I usually score quite high. So could you please remove that from your post. EDIT: Oh and I don't think that youth should have religion shoved down their throats either. Let them make the choice.
I'll post a reply to each, well, I'll try. ________________________________- Public-> That's me. I like it. No strict dress codes, not anything special. Private-> I have no experience here. Parochial-> I think it's wrong to have a school based on religion, that's what the church does. Home school-> I don't have much experience here, but have friends who do. I think it would be alright, learning and all, but you wouldn't get to meet any new friends through it, maybe it would be good to alternate if that's possible? ___________ Personally, I think Public schools are probably a good choice, but sense I don't really have experience in the other areas, I'm probably wrong. Anyone wanna point out some pro's n con's for private school for me?