nice map ill dl it and check it out i love how you made the boxes look like they are sinking but at the same time having the do supportive things to the map 9/10
Thank you very much when you download you will notice that when you are in the middle with those boxes it is hard to get out because the surface of the boxes cant be walked on so it makes it tricky to get out of LIKE QUICK SAND lolz :]
I figure if I can pick out something unique in a map, it's worth commenting on. I saw the top lines of Walls showing through just a tad on your merged Boxes. I'm not sure if that was for the purpose I'm interpretting it to be, but that looked incredible as a minor detail. Maps with detail to look at while you're playing them have a different set of value. Impressive, bro!
Thanks dude and yes to all of you who have asked about the walls that show up through the boxes i did mean to put those there they cover up the cracks in the double boxes for a smoother walk **or sink muahaha ;]
wile the tread seems dead I can't resist commenting. Now this is just a suggestion, but I think that it would be really cool if you made the "quick sand pit" sloped in such a way that if the players don't move fast enough they go through a teleporter that either kills them or transports them to some kind of "under ground" cave. What i'm saying is have the teleporters arranged in a circle so that which ever one you hit first will teleport you to either the cave or "drown" you in quick sand. Just a suggestion but if you did it I for one would definitely DL it in a hart beat.
Very unique map. I like your interlocking into the floor, it scenic and useful at the same time! Anyway, I believe that you should have made a specific gametype for your map. I found that the default settings for CTF were boring and unrealistic, so I ended up making my own gametype for this map, and although hard to cope with, it's still realistic and gives the map a spin. If you were wondering what I used for the game type: Shield recharge: 5% decay (quicksand) Primary weapon: Sword (due to the small size of the map) Weapons on map: none, just for this game type though Infinite ammo Grenade Regeneration Damage resistance: 200% You don't have to create a game type, or if you even think to take my ideas into consideration, you only really need to make sure that you use shield decay and high damage resistance.
Thank you all for the feedback. I love your idea hellclowm I might have to try that sometime and thanks for your input on gametypes midnight wolves I will take that into consideration. Your gametype sounds fun too
Looks pretty good, but nothing really eye popping. One thing that I would suggest in future projects is making all the sides of the boxes (on the upper level) face the same way. It just looks better
This maps looks is immensly great.The interlocking is great.Espicially the diamond wall with a power up inside.But you didn't give a description which is supposed to be given or its not up to standards.Or the gametypes but in th epicture I can see a flag.But very nice map just please fix your post.
i had a very similar idea to your center pit with the single boxes that i am actually in the middle of right now.... i may reconsider lol anyways, this map looks awesome. its like a breath of fresh air, and im definately downloading.
I only realized the boxes were sinking into quicksand after like 30secs, I'm slow =/. Also did you say the middle part has two maulers in? 4/5, I think the maulers will dominate a bit.
Well thank you all for your feedback and the maulers have low ammo (I think) lol the thing is that If you go into the middle to get a mauler... its not likely your comin back out so that balances it out
Weird merging with the walls for the floor. I've never seen that before. The pit is so random looking, it almost needs more structure. But I overall like it.
Yeah i put the walls there to cover up the cracks inbetween the double boxes. The randomness sorta runs along with the theme of it being quicksand. But still, there was a structure to it. Look closely and you'll see
it looks good but it looks too small and too dependant on the BR sorry but i'm not gonna dl but dont get me wrong its a great map and all, its just that you are too dependant on the BR
After playing it I had a fun time theirs plenty of cover and many interesting things you can ricocheted grenades off of. I love frags