Department 271

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Windburry, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    Department 271​

    Department 271 is designed for Team Slayer and FFA. It is a symmetrical map, designed for competitive gameplay. Recommended for 4 to 8 players.

    One thing that I think will be appreciated is the attention to detail. Every item in the map has been measured and laid out to line up perfectly and symmetrically. This is the smoothest forge map I have seen, and quite possibly the smoothest one made. On top of that it is also quite fun.

    There is an overshield in the exact center of the map, and a bubble shield directly below that. Both teams spawn at their own bases and generally rush for overshield. Each team has a sniper, a mauler, 4 fragmentation grenades, 2 spiker grenades, 2 battle rifles, 1 assault rifle, and 2 SMGs.

    Base A

    Center from Base A

    Base B

    Center from Base B






    EDIT: New screens added.
  2. MombasaMk2

    MombasaMk2 Ancient
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    Interesting.... sent to my 360, tell you the verdict when I get a chance to test the map.
  3. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I appreciate you taking the time to check it out man, thanks :)
  4. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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  5. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks rather interesting...Will be queued right after this post. Will get back to you on it.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    May I be the third to say "interesting"? I like your choice of location for the teleporters and especially the overhead lofts.
  7. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    I like the bases and the overhead loft. Mobility looks very good on this map. I'll try and remember to come back and post anything else after I check this out. *downloads*
  8. SykoOne

    SykoOne Ancient
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    Ill check it out.
  9. shadow0324

    shadow0324 Ancient
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    I'll give it a whirl-hopefully get my verdict in by wed
  10. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    Nice map, dude. A couple of things. First of all, you might want to not put fusion coils next to the receiver teleporter, unless it's for scenery. How will you know when someone comes through? Another, you should put the sniper rifle in an obvious place, so more people will rush for it, therefore giving more action on your map. But, other than that, good work man. I like it a lot.
  11. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    Thanks guys. Yeah we used to have the Snipers leaning against the Large Barriers near the steps to the Platforms, but we realized that with no incentive people never went to the Platforms, hence the Snipers were moved up there. The fusion coils are just a small deterrence to keep people from hiding behind the ports. We didn't want to make it impossible so we chose those because you can just blow them up if you really want to get behind them. You can also tell if someone is porting behind you because of the Fence Gates at the top of each teleport ramp, you will see them coming up.

    Thanks a lot :)

    EDIT: I see that in the screenshots it appears that the fusion coils are nearly ON the teleporter. They aren't as close as they seem in the picture. I'll upload some new screens to show a better angle.
  12. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    Here are a few screenshots just to explain the Teleport System a little bit, and why the Sniper Rifle is on the Upper Platforms.

    Old Sniper Spawn, when it was located here the upper platforms were rarely used.

    Heading to Sender Port

    View from Receiver Port

    Area behind Receiver Port

    A little hint: If you think someone is behind the Teleport waiting for you to come through, just toss a grenade over there and the fusion coils will do the rest. :p
  13. Captain Mighty

    Captain Mighty Ancient
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    Although making this map was a pain at times, i loved it. Calling me a perfectionist would be a understatement. There were times i scrapped a structure for a flaw so small no one would notice it but me. Windburry is a surprisingly patient guy for putting up with me lol. But yeah, just wanted to check up on our map here and see what you all had to say. Thanks for the time and download guys. Im eager to get started on our next project.

    - Captain
  14. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    Ok, the sniper rifle is in a pretty good spot in my opinion. I found it right away rofl.

    I just walked around in this map and it looks pretty good. I haven't got to play it yet against people.
  15. Windburry

    Windburry Ancient
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    lol I'm glad you agree :p. Let me know your verdict once you get to play. We've test played it a lot and are starting to think we might need to work on the spawns a bit. Gets really really chaotic with a lot of players. We did play a few 2v2s here though, and those were flawless. Really reminds me of a Wizard/Warlock, but overhauled for a more Team Slayer feel.

    1v1s are also incredibly fun.

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