This is Rampart. It is a semi-symetrical map that has been fully interlocked. It is a map built around a central structure, in this case it is the bridge. It stretches the length of foundry and has several side blockers. On the side of the map there is a turrent tower which can be used to gun down anybody on the bridge but there is no cover around it so be careful when using it. This map is for 3-10 players and supports Team and regular slayer, team and regular oddball, capture the flag(single and muliti flag), Assult and KOTH (also team KOTH). Weapon list: Battle rifle covenat carbine needler smg spiker mauler magnum shotgun sniper sentinal beam brute shot Plasma x4 Frag x4 oversheild Now some pics of the actual map. Overveiw, before 30 seconds Overveiw, includes the bridge. The "pit", basically a dumpster for dead corpses. Veiw of bridge from Base B. Base A left. Base A Right. Base B left. Base A Right. Turrent building from base A. Way to top of turrent building from base B. Left walkway veiw from base A. Tunnel under the left walkway. veiw from base B. Good veiw from the top of the tower into the pit. Gameplay: A scrap in the death dumpster Dead Meat The Pitch Your out. Download
umm it looks very easy to get out, maybe a gernade jump or a friend idk if you took some things out for the picture but i think this map could use a bit refurnishing
its a good map but i suggest that you should of made the end of the stairs completed fused with the other box it leads to unless you did that for a hard time of geting around the track