The moon walk is not SLOPPY! It has a flawless interlocked slope. In one of the foundry bases no less! Just read Blood Fir3's comment he helped me test.
Yeah, Matt. When I saw the "M," I thought this was another by you. I like this, a lot. The Moon Walk section's walls look a bit unclean, but that's seriously the only problem I can see. At first, I thought you put more thought into the aesthetics than the gameplay, but as I toured the pictures, I saw completely the opposite. It's brilliant, truly. I rarely, rarely give a 5/5, but you incorporated brand-new aesthetically pleasing map-making with what looks to be effective gameplay elements. I am pleased to give you a 5/5, and I look forward to more of your stuff. Great job!
This is a really nice looking map, the interlocking looks a bit crooked, but the space ship is really cool, I'm DLing. About the post, I suggest making your text near the bottom a little smaller, it is an eyesore. =/
Its a good map with great interlocking, but the spaceship and the moonwalk seem to be the only places put into detail. 4/5
Awesome rocket time spent on that is recognized czuse it probably wasn't easy. Map is great 5/5 ________________________ My maps-Division and Battle Tower (eventually going to redo after lazy contest)
I'm super confused about the overall layout from the pics, yet I am very interested. The moon walk looks like it was really difficult to do and the idea seems original. I'll have to check it out.
Dang this map looks great! 1. Very origonal! 2. Great use of immovable objects! 3. Great merging and interlocking with the map! 4. This is the best foundry map that has come out since Reflex! 5. Exellent Theming The Moonwalk looks fine and is NOT MESSY everybody else is wrong. This map should BE FEATURED!!!!! Blood Fir3's comment was perfectly accurate!!!!!! I am definately downloading. P.S. excellant acsletics. 5/5
Please stop saying the moonwalk is messy. There is a wall merged with THE CEILING!!! iT TOOK ME A REALLY LONG TIME and the walls are as good as they could be. Any where else and the map would be breakable.
I swear to you I have that exact same spaceship on a map that Airoman or someone made he came out with it like a month or 2 ago I'll find out what it is called. If you dont believe me I can post it on Forge Hub
i remember playing on this map with you. the rocket is nice and the interlocking/merging done here is pretty good as well. also to those downloading the ghost is a huge advantage on this map if you use it correctly. good job
I just played this today and it was a lot of fun! I only played it once and that was on TS, so I didn't get to good of a feel for the map. I did notice though that game play was a little one sided. The winning team would try to hold the space station. But, this didn't happen the whole game, so other than that the game play was great and so was the aesthetics good job!
I want to like this map because the central rocket looks very cool. Unfortunately, there are many areas of the map that my friend and I pointed out that are VERY sloppy. Huge gaps were found that could have easily been interlocked. I love the idea and general shape of the map, so I would definitely play it with my friends, but I'm just letting you know this because I really like it and would DL a v2. I think the gameplay would be very fun. One question: Is the rocket only used as an aesthetic, or can jump on platform things to get across the map?
The catwalk to the spaceship is very fun and well themed for one bomb and can be used as an areal view of the map.