This is my latest map called Mt. Victory. This map provides for a great CTF map due to the 4 lvls inside of the mountain. You might say "well the only action on the map will happen on the small edges of the mountain". Well your wrong because there are also 4 levels in the mountain. There is a main battle area on the second lvl along with some drop down areas that lead to the lower level. The 3rd level is basically there to provide a ledge over the other 2 lvls so the attacker can either drop down and own, or just kill from above. The 4th and final level holds the flag and a very important escape route that easily found. This is where the teams spawn (but on opposite sides of course) and there is some basic covering that follows on the way to the mountain seen here: Now for some pictures of the main battle areas. Lvl 1 Lvl 2 Lvl 3 Lvl 4 GameTypes Multi-Flag - This is personally my favorite gametype on the map. Very competitive and the gameplay is very well. Works Best with 8-16 ppl. Infection - I thought this gametype wouldnt be good on the map when i first thought. But i put it on any way and when i played with my friends it was really fun. So if ur sick of competitive games then this gametype is really good for you. Team Oddball - This was also another surprise to me. I guess the multiple escape routes and twists and turns really make oddball a fun gametype for the map. Team King - Honestly havn't tried this gametype out yet so idk. The 4 levels really seem like they would make good hills for the gametype so try it out and tell me how it is. Assualt - For this gametype you will need to adjust something. You first must set the detination time to instant. The purpose is, both teams have bombs, but to win your team must plant their bomb first. Really great gametype. I highly reccomend it. And that is my new map Mt. Victory . Feedback would be nice and look for my newly featured map The Great Divide , which will be coming to forgehub in about 20 min lol Download Mt. Victory
Looks good. I saw some places that the interlocking could have been better but otherwise it looks good.
i really wanted to make a map similar to the one you have here, only it was more of a pyramid that everyone spawned around. everytime i tried it though i ended up failing. it looks like you did a nice job though, so i'll give it a DL and try it out.
interlocking is decentbesides the wall thats above the box and the 1 b sign you can see by the crane but it looks fine i guess.. the only think that looks bad is there to many turrets.. maybe it plays good. i donno. ill have to see. ill be hoping for a v2
it reminds me of the battle in cod2 when your going into the **** bunker. lol random i know but very fun for one bomb and ctf. im going to try territories (probably tomorrow so idk how good it is yet or if its even built for it)