I thought of that very thing yesterday my good man, but am still considering ways it could be implemented before suggesting it to the staff. One thing I was thinking of was forging challenges to complete to gain the achievements.. but I honestly don't know if it's a good idea.
Exterminator = 500, I can assure you. 10 = UNSC Grad. Under 10 = UNSC Recruit. I think Klink's right, 100 = Cavalier and Askar's gotta = 250... then the next is 500.. Can't tell from there... And guerilla's like 50-75 or something...
When you say forging challenges, do you mean contests or just using forge techniques? I hope you mean contests. Something like "MAKE A SIDEWAYS SHIELD DOOR FOR STEPPIN' RAZOR RANK" seems a bit ridiculous. Also, it shouldn't just be forging challenges, as to not exclude those who suck at forge. I liked TDF's surprise trivia game.
http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?action=mlist There is the memberlist for anyone that wants to do further investigation. Notes: There is a demon with 66 posts. 57 posts. There is a vanguard with 519 posts. There is a guerilla with 28 posts Just saw one with 25 posts, and one with 38 posts. The lowest post count of any UNSC Graduate I've seen is 15 12 10. -Confirms UNSC Graduate is 10- There is a Reclaimer with 198 posts.. Wait, that's DragonCoals. Confirmed: UNSC Recruit: 0 UNSC Graduate: 10 Guerilla: 25 Demon: 50 Cavalier: 100 I dont' think Askar is 250. And Exterminator cannot be 500, because I found a Vanguard with 519 posts. Edit: The lowest Guerilla is 25. The highest is 48. The lowest Demon is 50. The highest is 97. The lowest Cavalier is 105. The highest is 235. The lowest Askar is 276. The highest is 439. The lowest Exterminator is 509. The highest is 579. There are no Rangers. <- Wtf? The lowest Vanguard is 265. The highest is 522. The lowest Orpheus is 187. The highest is 670. There are only 2 Orpheus's, TheYavimayan and Nitrous. The lowest Reclaimer is 198. The highest is 747. There are only 2 Reclaimer's, TrueDarkFusion and DragonCoals. The lowest Respected Member is 3. The highest is 22. These people appear to have some kind of non-gaming connection with the mods/admins. Maybe. Vanguard and Askar seem to intertwine. Orpheus and Reclaimer seems reserved for elite members of FH, and Exterminators for probably the highest members. While looking through the members list, I failed to see any other ranks other than those listed already.
Well, askar isn't 200-225, Klink has that man and isnt Askar... maybe 300? An Exterminator.. confusing.. I have no clue. Reclaimer obviously = Admin, and Yavi = Orpheus and I saw either another staff member with Orpheus or a Mod with Orpheus.. so I think Staff = Orpheus.. Just guesses.
Oh I don't have cable, but I don't really watch TV at all. It's amusing, but not in a harsh way. It's just fun to know and see how you guys are working it out. Poztar I don't know what they would be, it's just in my head, but it wouldn't be easy, at all. And hopefully it would be creative.
I'm thinking you guys put some sort of "Skill Level" like in matchmaking to raise our skill, or member rank. Posts are the EXP, while having contributed good maps might be the "skill" necessary to further increase a member's rank. It would explain why there is a linear flow of posts to member rank until you get past Askar.
At first I was like, "why is this so confusing to everyone?" Then I remembered that I read about the rankings in the staff forums, sorry guys. But does this belong in Forge Discussion? It has nothing to do with Forge. I was going to move it but I didn't know where, so it's gonna stay here for now. I guess it's not a big deal.
Apparently the higher-ups are encouraging us to try to figure this out, and they also apparently don't have any significant problem. But yeah, it is slightly offtopic. This is, however, the broadest Forge-related section in this forum. So. xD
I am pretty sure Vanguard Orpheus and Reclaimer are staff only. Thats why you see Vanguards with such a range of posts. Exterminator is 500. Im hoping there are no rangers right now because Ranger = 1000 posts. --- If i am correct about Vanguard, Orpheus, and Reclaimer being staff only, and not being post-count based... That is really lame guys. Do you honestly need 3 rank to yourselves. You already can make your rank whatever u want (ie- guilder, mason, superman, etc) --- Id like to suggest that there be very high ranks that no one is even near getting yet. Like, is reclaimer is the highest it should be something like 2000 or 3000 posts. That way is ridiculously high enough that spamming will still be impossible to get it... and then on the way up there will be others... Cuz im assuming this site will be around for a while, and there are already people nearing 1000...
I'm not sure if everyone else has noticed, but the rank picture is cut off halfway into the picture on the right side with the spartan and the name tag. Could the images be adjusted maybe so that the circular logo is on top, with the spartan/rank image below it? it could just be my laptop's screen size... (1024x768)
Yes it is. :squirrel_chatting: Customer service, because it's site related? I already made a thread there but it didn't get noticed... To organize: UNSC Recruit0-9 UNSC Graduate10-24 Guerilla25-49 Demon50-99 Cavalier100-(300?) Askar400-ish? Exterminator500? Ranger Unknown VanguardStaff OrpheusStaff ReclaimerStaff Guildern/a Masonn/a Respected Personn/a Here's the Bbcode for that: Code: UNSC Recruit0-9 UNSC Graduate10-24 Guerilla25-49 Demon50-99 Cavalier100-(300?) Askar400-ish? Exterminator500? Ranger Unknown VanguardStaff OrpheusStaff ReclaimerStaff Guildern/a Masonn/a Respected Personn/a Edit: Spacing
Klink basically hit the nail on the head. One thing that should be noted however is that Vangaurd = Mod Orpheus= Yavi Reclaimer= TDF, DragonCoals and I think Nitrous. otherwise I'm assuming Ranger will be the final rank for normal people at 750 or 1000 posts.
Update then: UNSC Recruit0-9 UNSC Graduate10-24 Guerilla25-49 Demon50-99 Cavalier100-(300?) Askar400-ish? Exterminator500? Ranger 750-1000? VanguardStaff - Mod OrpheusStaff - Yavi ReclaimerStaff - Admins Guildern/a Masonn/a Respected Personn/a Code: UNSC Recruit0-9 UNSC Graduate10-24 Guerilla25-49 Demon50-99 Cavalier100-(300?) Askar400-ish? Exterminator500? Ranger 750-1000? VanguardStaff - Mod OrpheusStaff - Yavi ReclaimerStaff - Admins Guildern/a Masonn/a Respected Personn/a
i dont think this would be a good idea because it would require mucho time that high up ppl dont have. you would have to check everyones maps; everyones.