nice, the red guy on the left whoose on the hood.. he looks like he's in pain which caught my eye. 3.8/5
the guy in red had fallen into a deep, neck-breaking slumber when his buddy slammed the Warthog into the Blue Team's 'Hog lol pretty cool
This pic is pretty good .. As DRiSCOLL said there isnt really anything special .. But it is still good as the overall quality is good. The explosion on the second warthog looks good too.. Good try
no no no you all have it wrong. the red guy on the hood is like from DBZ and hes doing some kamehameha thing
The driver on the hood is the best part, nice use of the rule of thirds; awesome quality. 4/5 only because there was only one interesting part.
The guy on hood looks like he's got a golden glow under his feet and an incomplete halo above his head. So I compare it to him using rocket boots to get to heaven.