WORKSITE i would like to thank sgtcrank and jedi eli for helping play test it and sgtcrank for helping me make the mapthis map is a work site that is best with SLAYER TEAM SWAT and BIG TEAM it has a middle structure that the environment actually builds itself it starts out with the first floor that spawns after ten seconds the second story that spawns after 20 and the third that spawns after 30 the game-play was great we would have close and long range fights there is a crane with a grav lift that lets you get to the top of this or other vehicle lift things. the weapons 1 shotgun 1 sniper 2 spiker 1 mauler 1 sentinel beam 1 plasma rifle 1 carbine 1 plasma grenade 1 spike grenade 1 trip mine 1 regenerator 1 bubble shield 10 mongooses the game play was great the shotgun and the sniper did not ruin the game because this is a long to short range map so you'll have battles across the map or 3 feet away from each other and everyone loved the map in general the aesthetics are great the game-play the balance of weapons everything now for the pics this is itself building but from different angles each time action shots please download rate and comment
yay for us even though my gt is SGTcrank55, lol. this map is so cool because it builds itself and then you can use the building for part of the map. good job on this fill, i loved helping make this map EDIT: i made the big crane which is interlocked for right height, but no campage in there because of the fusion coils
Nice map! The interlocking is good and I like how the stairs to different floors spawn every 30 seconds at the beggining. But, Why did you have to make all of the pics with you killing me?
this looks like it was kind of thrown together with the exception of a few pieces i like the lifted box and the fence walls and the middle structure is nice too but around the rest of the map it seems like you got lazy and just threw things all over
looks liek you just placed a bunch of random stuff evrywhere... looks very disorganized... no dl from me sorry. i no its a construction site but plan it out like make certain spots for say like a crane and a pit or a half completed building instead of a bunch or barriers and stuff everywhere
the building in this map is kinda messy (F.Y.I.the stairs leading up to the floors) and not much interlocking was done so it pretty plain
great job i love this map one of my favorites. Plus im sorta making one like this but totally different