Don't Judge a Map by its Cover

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by bootyslayer4, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. bootyslayer4

    bootyslayer4 Ancient
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    Something that really bugs me on this site is how a lot of people will go and look at the pictures of a map, and then rate it before even playing it. Havent you ever heard of "Dont judge a book by its cover"? Its practically the same thing here. When I am trying to find a map, I first check the 5 star rated ones. Why? Because those should be the best. But when somebody gives a map 3/5 because of their pics, that map wont be looked at by my as quick or at all. So please just download and play the map that the person worked so hard on before rating. Pictures don't show the whole thing.
    !nikheizen likes this.
  2. jedi eli

    jedi eli Ancient
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    That was well put. People should rate a map by it's gameplay, not its looks.
    So yeah, it's just like judging a book by it's cover or a cute girl by her clothes or whatever.
  3. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
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    ya.. i take a look at the map but i only dl if it looks amazing! even if i dont play it i take a good lookat the map and give a comment on the feature i like and the little things i can see that may need changed but i dont criticize it just give pointers
  4. Viper Skills

    Viper Skills Ancient
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    I agree. But that's how people are, and how they always will be. Sorry.
  5. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I've played a lot of maps. So I look for maps which bring me something new. I'm not going to rate lower because the map looks uninteresting, but I don't have time to play maps which I'm sure are quite decent in their own right. But I look for maps which look amazing which I will keep on my hard drive if they play well. So make me want to download your map with your pictures, otherwise quit complaining.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The pics are meant to sell the map and make people download it, if everyone just downloaded everything there would be no point of the standard post rules. I usually check every map btw.
  7. faceplanter7774

    faceplanter7774 Ancient
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    i agree but im to lazy to check the map out and post back at the thread.
  8. Kronos

    Kronos Ancient
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    I agree to some point. If you don't like the pictures, it's possible the gameplay could be alright, so maybe give a few maps a chance.

    But a lot of the time you can tell from the pics, are the equipment list, if the gameplay will be good or bad. For example, if they say the map has 3 maulers, a shotgun, a sword, a rocket, 2 snipers, 2 BR's, 1 SMG, 1 magnum, an overshield, and an active camo, then you know the map will not have any skilled battles and whatnot.

    Or if you look at the pics and the floor sticks up randomly, you can tell you'll have to jump a lot to get around, that might make you not download the map.

    But if it doesn't look to overpowered, or too sloppy, then a map with decent pics might be worth a check.
  9. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    No, this is not the same thing as judging a book by it's cover. It's judging it by the description on the back. If the book says it's about a guy who shat his pants and died... well I'm not going to read that book now am I?

    I think your probably just TOd because nobody liked that you didn't interlock or something in one of your maps.
    #9 ZANDER1994, Jun 20, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2008
  10. bootyslayer4

    bootyslayer4 Ancient
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    Find a map that I have posted on here. Find 1. I don't really care if you don't want to download a map because of its pics, but don't rate it badly becuase you feel it looks bad. Zander I saw you do that to 1 map and that was one of the reasons i made this thread.
  11. Naptiva

    Naptiva Ancient
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    Agreed, when I posted my first map, a bunch of people told me the same thing. The same thing based on the picture. It was obvious no one actually takes the time to download, which kinda defeats the purpose of the FH to begin with.
  12. SpoRkeR

    SpoRkeR Ancient
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    I happen to disagree with the original poster. The whole point of screen shots are to show the masses the best points of your map to entice them into downloading it. I will be honest, I won't download a map if the screen shots are bad. Try to spend some time on them, good positioning, and good quality is what I care about. That is what makes me want to download the map and play on it. Also, try to include a great description, like the ones on the backs of books. They make me want to read the book, make me want to download your map.
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I don't know what you're talking about seeing me rate a map bad. I never rate. The only time I ever do is when the person posted in the wrong section or is just spamming. Maybe I should rephrase my last comment. I rate the map in my reply, on a scale of 1 to 5 and with an explanation. Most people do. And if the map is LOOKS crappy, I don't download. What you're really arguing here is that people shouldn't trust there own judgment through pictures, which I think people should because MOST of the time they're right. I totally agree though with the part that I only look at maps with good ratings, but a lot of times, people are wrong. MOST of the time though, they're right, and I don't have time to look at 200 maps a day.
    #13 ZANDER1994, Jun 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2008

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