This is one of my favorite maps i have made and probably the one i put most work in. T.G.D is primarily a Multi-Flag based map where there are 2 bases on each side, but there is a huge wall tht divides the map in half. The catch tho, is tht the upper part of the wall is made of fence boxes which enables the opponents on the base to see where the enemy is going. This makes gameplay a lot tougher and involves more strategy. Red Base Blue Base There is also a watch tower that is very useful for both teams. And Finally the Wall This map is very fun and playable. In fact i used it in my teams weekly tournament and both teams seemed to like it a lot. Any feedback would be nice and make sure to check out my other map Mt. Victory. Download The Great Divide
looks pretty well thought out, although there seems to be a lack of cover. id rethink some of that. by any chance do you happen to be an Underoath fan? the title reminded me of them.
there is a way through the wall right? because i think i see one in the first picture but im not sure
This isn't an insult or anything but this reminds me of a nicer version of my first foundry map! Mine wasn't interlocked or not nearly as nice. But it just looks like a standard base vs. base map which aren't very original : (. Who knows? Maybe this map is better than other base vs. base maps...
^thought if there wasn't a wall it would be a disaster really i think that it would be hard to get the flag cause of the turrets and the SNIPE tower.
Looks pretty well interlocked with some good job i think that more pics would help meh decide if its good or not but that one part looks cool but kinda no cover! but is kew!