This is the Millennium Falcon it took me countless(aka 14) hours to make this map from its first version to what it is to day it has been submitted into the Forge the foundry contest that MLG is hosting and even my first version which was "a piece of junk" caught the eye of the judges and i was one of there top pics in the weekly round up and in case you didn't read it before here's what Brick had to say about it the first time "A real contender for the most creative map, Mags’ Millennium Falcon does an amazing job of capturing the look of Han Solo’s legendary ship. Furthermore, his artistry shows the possibilities of Forge as an artistic tool when one puts his or her mind to it." and keep in mind it was for the first one and since then has gone through many changes and for the most part everybody loves this map because it is just plain awsome!!!!! FAQ's Q: can you go inside it and fight in it? A: yes theres plenty of room for that. Q: why did you make it in the first place? A: to prove to someone that it could be done and that your creations are only limited by your lack of imagination. Q: why did you put a mongoose on it? A: because i just love them. so deal lol Pics are now up : heres the link to the file share slot 6 for the map slot 4 for a pic [img width=800 height=600][/img] an inside view
I personally love this map, when we discussed it earlier, we found one thing to be improved on: interlocking. Interlocking would make it blend together and look even nicer.
Looks like a great map being a fan of StarWars myself! I will try this one on for size. (yea that was an expression)
i will admit inter locking was hard for me because since i was the only one who made this i had a hard enough time getting it to where it is now. and ill also admit there are two parts of the ship i really would like help on and thats the back part of the ship on the inside where the fence wall and B-sign are, i would also like help with the right side of the cockpit. so if any guilders or masons that would be interested on helping me hit me up on xbl gt Mags89 EMP
I would help but aesthetic maps are not really my thing. (ie. I am not very good at them) I am better at making maps that can be played on that are not focused on the looks. I rock at playable maps though...OH YEA!(here is were I would insert a thumbs up)
Coolant may be able to help you with the interlocking and the trouble spots you identified, perhaps send a PM his way and see what his schedule's like. This is a damn cool map, but if I was to offer some constructive criticism it would be on your post - link to your posts on the forum rather than your fileshare, as this is convention on ForgeHub. Also you most certainly do not need to catch anyone's eye here with a description full of glowing praise. I'm not saying you didn't receive such praise in the least, but most respected members on the site pay absolutely no attention to downloads, endorsements etc and form their own opinions. Hope you enjoy getting out of the rat race of and that we'll continue to see you around the site. Thanks for stopping by.
*makes post longer to avoid banzorz* Great map, I agree with Yavi, interlocking more would help alot but for your side I will say that it is a pain in the ass and understand the tediousness of the task. I would love to see any other maps you've made like this if you have any?
mags im gonna see if we can get some testers in and try to balance out the weps cuz it was kinda heavily power weapon try to help u but u saw how my chair went :squirrel_wtf: and u need to fix that corner of shame :squirrel_nono:
i know already, its bad but I myself really cant do much else to it and ill be worken with the weapons and stuff it's still in the works with a star wars infection gametype
The map looks pretty good, I wish that there was a better object on Foundry for the satellite dish though :squirrel_sad: .... oh well, good map.
yea, but it looks pretty decent with what he did actually...well more depending on angle but from most angles it looks nice....still corner of shame needs to be fixed lol