Tunnel Run: Hello, I'm wyatt913, i have been forging sense Halo 3 was released and this is my first posted map. I don't mean this is a great map or that i am a great forger, just that this is the only map that i have posted yet. Anyway, On To The Map! Download Map Download Gametype Description: Tunnel Run is a fast paced Multi-Flag map made in the Tunnel on the map Avalanche. Hence the name Tunnel Run. I have gotten good feedback from my friends about this map, but there is always room for improvement. Some of my Friends say it is a little plain, but this map is small and if i add to much it will be to cramped, but i like the feel of it. There are 2 side runways that you can walk or take the mongoose and either base. These Runways can prove to be challenging to those inexperiences drivers when under fire. During one of the games with my friends i was thinking How would a Brute Shot Change the Driving? I answered this question by adding one, this changed the driving significantly.
**ATTENTION This post does not follow the basic/required map format for posting. Please edit to the correct template. Please look at this link for assistance. Thanks, Moose
My pictures turned out small at first, too. This looks a little different than other maps, but yes, not the best forging as you stated.
i read over the rules and the only thing i was that was bad was the pic-size, also i dont know how to make the pics bigger
Make sure that when you save your pictures from bungie, that you click on them to make them larger first.
doesnt look bad seems fun. maybe in one of your other maps you may want to use a different part of the map instead of the one suspended in the air. not a bad map though. good work