Hey everyone! I just wanted to inform everyone that I may not be on as much as I usually am. My home laptop computer crashed on Tuesday, right after I got off from my last day of school XP. It is either the hard drive or fan, but I hope to be able to back everything up and get it fixed soon! If I can get on my computer sometimes, I'l try and get onto ForgeHub! For now I will try and be on at my work computer when at work. My current schedule may change but is mostly Sun, Mon nights, Thurs,Fri mornings. Those times are probably the best times to catch me. (I'm Central-Standard) Well hopefully I posted this in the correct section. lol. Thanks, Moose
You're all wrong. This goes into the Maps section. Casual, to be specific. Anyways, whoisyou? But broken computer sucks.
lol nemihara r u giving bad advise thers always pc world, just go in ask to test a computer than ther u go u hav like 5 mins on forgehub, or an internet cafe could work
LOL, MAPS FTW! It does suck, especially when you find out it broke just as you get home on your last day of school until end of summer . Oh, and I'm LuckoftheMoose! Moose for short. And you would be? LOL For now just using work computer, I can get on my computer, if lucky, for about 5 mins! But for now feel free to contact me through my GT LuckoftheMoose. ^_^