Description - What once was the UNSC ODST training station B23, is now a civilian entertainment arena. I created this map about four months ago and I have been tweaking it ever since. Now I feel that this map is good to go. I feel I have balanced this map out well and it is small enough for the close combat battles and longer distance ones. This map supports all gametypes except for infection and VIP (which I also feel are balanced out). Download - : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Ok pictures are fixed (thanks for not flaming me on my mistakes). So please let me know what you think!
looks like you fixed the pictures so ill edit this P.S. the map looks great you might want to add a little more cover though just my opinion
I think you need to rethink the map. It's quite open and doesn't really look that good, also, try to use some more interlocking.
Okay thanks. I'm not quite clear on how to inerlock. I believe you set something where you want it set it as not spawned at start then place a second object where needed. Is that correct?
You can learn all about the wonderful world of interlocking Here!. The fence wall bridge needs some works...
This looks ok for a first map, but there seems to be a lack of cover, and that can hurt gameplay. Did you do any test by chance?
it looks good but i dont see y i would want to dl it... sorry but i dont see much creativity in your work! Good Luck
eh not inogh cover... if you make the boxes in the middle go up higher it would prolly be a bit better... btw it reminds me of foundation