Unnamed the reason this map is called unnamed is because it is not complete and it does not have a name. below there are pictures of 1 half of the map. this is 1 base. when in done hopfully there will a symetrical layout with 1 of this on each side. this view shows a better view of the lift tower and the back wall. this view of the lift tower shows that there is 1,2,3,4 ways to get to top lift. this image shows a better view of the back wall. please feel free to give me constructive criticism, feedback, and suggestions. thank you.
although this map looks good... unfortunatly this forum is for COMPLETED maps this belongs in the forging discussion section of forgehub and i would flip over the bridge it looks better
One: why did you post an unfinished map Two: I can't rate this map due to there not being nearly enough built Three: First post
It looks like you got a good start so far, but in the future just be sure to post discussion about incomplete maps in "Forge Discussion."