Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by SuperClarkman, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    Ok, I plan on sending this to Bungie once I get it written out into better words and I am looking for more opinions/ideas to refine this idea.

    What is possible with my idea (depending on how far Bungie embraises my idea if they do)
    -Remove ability to assassinate
    -Force certain players to spawn at certain locations (Example, Juggernaut could start outside house, everyone else spawns inside)
    -Start with Carbines
    -Clean up dropped swords of zombies
    -Give players different spawning weapons based on their score
    -Remove/create objects whenever (within limitations of Forge money)
    -Make random weapon spawns less random

    More interesting/cooler examples
    -Change any weapon to an engineer gun (for example make it so a VIP becomes a engineer and uses a Magnum to spawn fusion coils as traps for unsuspecting players)
    -Give the players the Elite's stealth ability
    -Change the custom powerup into a temporary jet pack
    -(If Bungie was extremely generous) change everyone into grunts!!!
    -Punish non rule abiding players with no weapons and no shields.
    -an Admin gun, allowing a simple shot of a weapon to kick a player or ban a player from ever coming back.

    And almost anything you can think of...

    Basically, my idea is allowing for custom scripts to be run in maps. For those who do not know what a script is (in relation to computers), it is often (not always) a program that is run by another program, for example a collection of scripts are being run by PHP to produce this interactive, web 2.0 ForgeHub website.

    In relation to Halo 3, I would like to be able to write scripts for Halo 3. This could be probably be achieved multiple ways, the two I thought of where having just some text editor in Halo 3 to actually write it out in a scripting language, OR (would not prefer this way) have it be some sort of visual thing in side a map only playable in Forge. (really hard to explain this idea)

    My ideal situation would be to make it so everything is event driven, meaning something happens in the game and then your script replies to it. For example, Bungie could have an event for when a player spawns. Then in our scripts we could respond to this event. (For example, have a couple commands in a script to check if the player is a VIP and if they are, force them to spawn at a certain spawn point)

    What events I want to be included:
    -Player join
    -Player leave
    -Player spawn
    -Player shoot
    -Player reload
    -Player throw grenade
    -Player switch grenade type
    -Player jump
    -Player death
    -Player crouch
    -Player score
    -Player pickup weapon
    -Player pickup powerup
    -Player pickup equipment
    -Player deploy equipment
    -Object spawn
    -Object disappeared
    -Object broken
    -Objective picked up (for Oddball, assault, ctf, etc.)
    -Objective dropped (for Oddball, assault, ctf, etc.)
    -Objective reset (for Oddball, assault, ctf, etc.)
    -Objective entered (for territories, KOTH, Juggernaut, VIP, etc.)
    -Objective exited (for territories, KOTH, Juggernaut, VIP, etc.)
    -Objective moved (for KOTH, Juggernaut, VIP, etc.)
    -Objective scored (bringing back flag, bomb exploding/planted, VIP reaching destination, etc.)
    -Round start
    -Round end
    -Game start
    -Game end

    As for the commands our scripts could run when an event happens I would like to see (formatting I used here: command: options(arguments/parameters for the tech savvy) and for commands returning a value, |RETURN:)
    -SetPlayerPosition: gamertag, x, y, z
    -GetPlayerPosition: gamertag |RETURN: array with x,y,z coordinates
    -DoDamage: gamertag, damage (probably in percent with 100% = one shield)
    -DeleteObject: object
    -GetPlayerGrenades: gamertag |RETURN: array with number of frag, plasma, spike, flame grenades
    -SetPlayerGrenades: gamertag, grenades (array of grenades just like return value of GetPlayerGrenades)
    -GetPlayerActiveWeapon: gamertag |RETURN: weapon
    -SetPlayerActiveWeapon: gamertag, weapon
    on, and on and on......... (will come up with a complete list later on)

    Anyways, I should also add that a script (to keep the game playing smoothly) would cost a certain amount of Forge cash and also the cash required for any objects that could be spawned because of the script (possibly have it so there is a certain command that says this is all the objects that the script requires and when the script is put into a map those objects are automatically deducted from the number of used objects for that type and cash removed). The cash cost of the script could be determined by how CPU intensive the script is OR having each command assigned a price (like maybe 20 cents or 10 cents depending on how CPU intensive each command is)

    I know this would be a big project for Bungie and it is probably too late to add it easily but maybe if enough fans want it, it could become a reality. If there is lots of interest I will get down a list of Gamertags to include with my email sorta like a petition but not on a negative note as petitions usually are.

    Any thoughts? Also, sorry it isn't really that organized.
  2. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Making a script system doesn't belong in a console game like Halo.

    However, some of your earlier "suggestions" would definitely be cool. And having starting weapons as carbines really needs to be fixed.

    But for cleaning up swords from zombies, you could just turn off weapon pickup. If not, then let the humans get swords. It shouldn't drastically affect anything.
  3. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    All very good points. As ridiculous as it sounds, an 'admin gun' sounds really interesting. Some of these already exist though (at least I think so). However, getting Bungie to read this will most likely be less than successful. Good ambition though!
  4. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    The main reason I wanted this was to bring PC game mods to Halo, specifically GunGame for CounterStrike Source
  5. Ufochaser42

    Ufochaser42 Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Perhaps a sticky can be added somewhere which lists the best/most common suggestions for updating Forge? We know that Bungie visits this site. If its stickied somewhere prominent, than it would be likely seen by someone at Bungie.

    I have a list of 10 or 20 things i wish Forge could do. I don't post them because many people have probably already had the same ideas. But it would be nice to see a list that you know Bungie will see, and that you can contribute to. Bungie would be more likely to try to work on those suggestions if those ideas were from a community such as this, rather than from individual messages lost in a sea of posts in one of Bungie's many forums.
  6. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Dam, that was my idea! I think Gungame in Halo would totally OWN, it would so epicly awesome and fun. Too bad there's no way though. D:
  7. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    Yah, I was also wishing to make a Halo clone of Counterstrike with buying guns and everything
  8. PHOENIX 874

    PHOENIX 874 Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Then you might as well play Counterstrike...
  9. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    Hahaha, I guess so... I used to have a bunch of people from school I would play CS with but most of them quit playing it.
  10. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    This would really make forge, but then I think forging would be almost too easy. Also, if they would introduce all this stuff at once, Forge maps would explode and there would be chaos, and Men would be gnashing their teeth, and pig's would be slaughtered, making such terrible noise, that if I would reproduce it, you all would flee from this forum
  11. MombasaMk2

    MombasaMk2 Ancient
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    Couple suggestions:

    - The ability to freeze objects and make them not able to be moved by other objects.

    -More water

    -Make objects appear exactly at the point the player is looking at.
  12. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    i used to use scripts in JKA and i could do practically anything...i really hope we could get them in halo, tho im very doubtful
  13. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    Add a death barrier and I'm good....Although half of your suggestions will never happen at least your trying....
  14. Warlord Alpha

    Warlord Alpha Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Actually, its not a "fix." Bungie decided to leave out some weapons (like sentinels, carbines, etc.) because either they felt there was an equivalent (like a BR to a carbine) or that it would mess everything up/cause extremel lag, like all flamethrowers. I really do wish we could spawn with carbines and stuff though
  15. BANDiT

    BANDiT Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    What Bungie needs to fix is Party leader Only option for forge where party leader can only edit... it doesn't work, people can press start, then go into edit mode & mess w/ a map w/o someone knowing

    What would be cool though is... for each team, elect a "forgist" to battle against each other, each forgist gives their team what they want/need.
  16. EL173 R3Ap3r 257

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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    All great ideas, especially the Admin Gun. How about, in Infection, you could be a certain Flood form, depending on your score? You could lead an army of Infection Forms (Or an army of Squirrels) to finish enemies off.
    I can imagine a whole army...
    :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa: :squirrel_jaffa:
  17. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    just so you guys know... bungie is watching our site... if they see an interesting topic like this there is a chance that they will read it. how do you guys think we got front-paged again on bungie... they are watching you... be good.
  18. Scribner

    Scribner Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Not saying I don't like your idea, of course, but I think its important to distinguish your list as "what I wish we had" rather than something along the lines of what we need or should have. I hope I'm not putting words in your mouth, just trying to speak generally.
  19. SuperClarkman

    SuperClarkman Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    Who knows if they will ever create the ability to write scripts but I have thought of a couple of ways they would be useful in current maps...

    -rusty eagle's Crate Frenzy: have everyone start at 100 points, when you are knocked off and "infected" by the zombie you lose less points if you survived longer and you would get to respawn and fall off again, on and on till you lose all your points

    -AZN FTW's (I think) The Platform map: give fair amount of points for being in the hill but when somebody knocks them off, award them with points depending on how far the person flew

    -Bungie 500 (author's name escapes me at this moment): award bonus points for completeing a lap faster

    -any TF2 clones: give engineer ability to spawn stuff like fusion coils and barriers

    -new map I would make: similar to SourceForts, one round to build a huge base then have a second round to play CTF using your just build base.

    -RTS gametypes where one player can spawn weapons, barriers, vehicles etc, based on number of resources held (territories). This would not have to be in Forge either so we could have a huge 7 vs 7 plus 2 people as the RTS overlookers
  20. MaskedMuffin12

    MaskedMuffin12 Ancient
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    Re: Idea to make Forge 10-100 times more flexible/create even more interesting m

    You made some good points, and the script idea would be awesome. I just can't see it happening though sadly :(.

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