Could that mean we can make movable bases or will it stay where it was created. I bring this up because elephants can cary teleportals which are immovable
Thats what we need, immagine having movable bases or huge towers or vehicle pads. that would forever be labeled as epic win
That would be an epic win. Long have I dreamed for the ability to forge a movable controllable object. Imagine the possibilities? And making a flying vehicle that comes standard with a map would be awesome too... Imagine having a slow moving longsword that you can fly around? I know, epic. Sadly, dreams are dreams... I don't think this will happen.... But it won't stop me from imagining! ~Randle $candal
If you look at BattyMan's Maps on Avalanche his newer one has some cool features to it that are kind of like being in a cockpit and controlling a ship.
LOL make the elephant the big stand and have a giant ship above it that would be funny make it look like a low budget ship
I got it, build a scarab around the elephant, so when you drive the elephant it looks like the scarab is moving.
too bad the legs wont move. that is a good ideal though. maybe the elephant could hold a part of a bridge which is critical for crossing a bridge to the flag or something