A problem is starting to come up, it happened before and it's happening now. Interlocking pretty much became a standard in maps after a while, people started to complain if there was no interlocking, this had a bad effect and makes newer members and newer forgers feel unwelcomed. Now, sadly, it is starting with merging, it almost seems essential to a good map, boxes must be dipped into the ground and melted into the wall to eliminate the smallest gaps. I don't want this to continue. Do you? I think I may have worded this badly.
Hmm the interlocking and merging is good.. but imo this map does not have enough signs made with teleporters lights. lurn sum technicz noob
interlocking{all more advanced techniques for that matter will tear this site apart if people want to interlock great if they dont fine people shouldnt bang on about it all the time I have a good map which I am not going to post here because i dont want 15 people telling me to interlock it
Mallet you've somehow gotten into a future arguement, my prediction is that teleporter signs will be a must in 2 months Edit: this was my 1337 post
I can understand Interlocking being a big contributing factor to a good map not essential but I think with people rambling on about geomerging its more of the new members saying that - gives them something to spam on each new map posted doesn't it.
i could understand interlocking if it made the boxes totally smooth but it doesnt if people are that bothered they should offer an interlocking service lol
If a society fails to move on and become more advanced will they not be left behind in the world? Or will it be their downfall
im not saying peolpe shouldnt use advanced techniques far from it im saying that it shouldnt be the defining feature of maps and the responses to maps eg giving a low score to a map because the boxes just touch and not ilock it makes no difference to the gameplay which is what its all about