I understand most people at Forgehub are looking for something new but I just wanted to post this to see if anyone will actually download it here. Shrine V1 (The Real Epitaph) DOWNLOAD AT BNET **Best to be played with Team BRs or Slayer BRs** Tired of being rocketed with no fun in sight? You want to play with your BR but theres no damn BRs!? Well I am. This map has been changed for more of the MLG fans than the Noob fans. In this map you can see a good amount of BR's and Carbines to get those fun headshots. This time the rocket doesn't spawn, but the Sniper does! Charge to the middle to pick up the Sniper and get that fancy little medal everyone loves. The Shotgun spawns near the little lift with a Bubble Shield by that lift. The Carbines spawn in 4 places, one were the OS was, one were it already was in the middle, one straight across and the last near the Invisi, which is not on the map. No Invisibility or Overshield. Hailstorm V1 (The Real Snowbound) DOWNLOAD AT BNET **Best to be played with Team BRs or Slayer BRs** Who is tired of all the annoying shield door campers, the noobs hiding under in the shotgun spawn? Well I for one am. I made this remake to make it more of a fun map. In this map I cut off the bottom from entrance with Barriers and Telleporters that bring you out of the map to your death. Enjoy your stay in the freezing cold. The starting spawn are the same. When you spawn at the Lower Base (the side without the mountain) you have multiple things to do. First you can turn to your left and head behind the double circular object and there is a Sniper Rifle waiting for you. If you go the same direction down to the Ghost spawn there is a Shotgun. The Sniper Rifle helps your team get the Shotgun. If you are not a sniper you can go into the base, or over the base. There are two BR's on the outside of the base like in normal Snowbound. If you go on top of the base there is a Carbine and some cover. If you go inside there is a bubble shield by the window wall. The last thing you can do is go to the right, which has the Overshield waiting for you. The OS spawns in the entrance to the bottom, but that is blocked off remember. Its the same for the Upper Base. On the right side this time their is the Sniper Rifle. The BR's and the Carbine spawn in the same spot and if you go left you can get the OS. Please post any feedback. Bad feedback is welcome to make a better Hailstorm V2. 'Good Fragging'
these look pretty cool and i agree with you about the campers with the shotty but what was the first map i couldn't really tell but great job anyway
Cool just to let you know, Snowbound and Epitath aren't used in MLG gametypes because of shield doors. Shield doors lead to camping and we all know it and we all have done it. On Epitath camp the lift area with shotgun whilst your friend covers the ramp with the active camo and a hammer ahh man I miss team doubles... and snowbound it burns my retinas I hate it =\ That takes shield door camping to the maximum with the sniper / shotgun / Oddball / Laser it should be deleted from the game lol Anyway more to the point you've added a shotgun in the epitath varient which means camping will still be a major problem make a v2 and ill DL because I'm a fan of the geometry in that map its just the power weapons camping. And I also like that you added Two snipers for snowbound because Beam rifle > Spartan Laser any day well My beam rifle skills > My Spartan Laser skills either way it has a shotgun and sniper the two main culperates for shield door camping however you have taken the underground of doom away so it makes it a nice map again yay +Rep for making my two most hated maps playable.
I made it possible for you not to go under the bottom in Snowbound. Blocked by barriers and telleporters. And I see that you saw that
These seem more balanced but I'd have to downlaod the maps. But you can't stop the camping with the shotgun behind those shield doors.
If theres enough complaints about the Shotgun camping on Snowbound I will either remove the shotgun or remove the base =P
Looks interesting. I'm not a big fan of either of those maps though. They are just weird in my oppinion.
i really like the idea but i dont get why you didnt get some actual pictures also but anyway so ya nice job