They have taken your stapler!! You must battle to get it back. (ofcourse if I had seen the movie I could meme it better...) But anyway small arena map for KOTH. 4 to 6 players recomended. Could probably do eight but that might get a bit crowded. Players spawn with random weapons so either charge in or play tactical and examine your surroundings for a heads up on scoring. MAP DOWNLOAD GAME TYPE DOWNLOAD Ok time for the pics. Map overview: Red Team Spawn: Blue Team Spawn: The Hill: The Battle Begins: The Stapler is mine!: The Carnage (only at the half point even) Have fun and Enjoy. Cheers to Vicious Vice, Hotpokkakimmy, Lightsout225 for helping me test. And Convulse, GotEverclear and Killallnow for suggestions on improvements. Map Download Game type download
This map doesn't appeal to me. I like the idea of it being in an unusual spot, but this is way too small and could get real boring real fast. Once you get in the hill, you can't get back out, and hell, you might be in there for two seconds until someone comes back. Not good.
I asked where I should post it and was told casual and I think it does fit here. Most mini games that I have seen are usually puzzle maps or one verses one and this fits a couple more than that. I built this map way back when using the turret to glitch into areas was new to me which was not long after the heroic map pack. I'd seen a few similar maps done in the one on the other side but none using the more interesting shape of this one and always done with slayer and no other game type. The Gravlifts are there to prevent spawn camping which was a problem in the first version (minus the shield doors and gravlifts) As for my spelling, there is no Auto spell check in halo 3 and I'm too lazy to go look for a dictionary. Yea I suppose it could to some people but if you are always looking for ways to get a heads up on the other team it keeps you in the game for quite a while. But it's only one round to 100 points so it doesn't last more than maybe 3-5 minutes.
do you really get to strip off your armor and become a guy with a mustache and a vengeance for a stapler? if so, DLLLLLLLL
This map looks pretty sweet. can't wait to play it! I like how you made it KotH instead of normal slayer! 4/5
This looks like a huge brawl that would just frustrate the hell out of me. seriously though it just looks like so many others there not unique anymore.
i think u should raise the damge resistance a lil bit jus so that way its not complete chaos but still crazy enough to play
Might give that a go. Would certainly put a lot more emphasis on watching for the fusion coils and propane tanks to respawn.